node: Results/Datasets/Frame - difference between mesh, geometry,material and...
Within the results in the node: Results/Datasets/Frame there is the choice between: mesh, geometry,material and space ? What is the difference and what is used in which case? In my case only case is...
View ArticleFiltration of nanoparticles in porous membrane
Hi all, I'm simulating the rejection of nanoparticles that pass through a porous membrane. I am using the physics of "Particle tracing for fluid flow" and "Laminar flow" and set up some particles...
View Articleout of memory error
I am solving problem related to PEMFC . I am getting out of memory error. please help me in this regard.
View ArticleMatlab LiveLink: Display Dataset on Geometry
Hi, I've just started getting into using Matlab LiveLink as postprocessing my models in the Comsol GUI seems to use so much memory that my machine has trouble handling it fluently. I would like to...
View ArticleHow to couple interface "Transport of Diluted Species" with interface...
Hi, I'm trying modify the sample "Chemical Vapor Deposition of GaAs" in modle library. The sample simulates reaction flow in a given space but only solve concentration in flow. Simulation of deposition...
View Article4.4, Reports node, show report
Hi, after "build report and show it in browser" i have a new window laying over a part of the comsol desktop and i didnt find any possibility to remove it. I can scroll in the report window,..... it...
View ArticleNano-scale Wire Bonding
I was hoping someone would be able to provide some help, or shed some light on the situation. I have been trying to simulate a wire-bonding process for a nano-scale transistor. Unfortunately I have...
View ArticleBoundary conditions for Eigenfrequency analysis
Hi all, I would be greatful if someone here could help me. I am trying to simulate the resonance of a simple metallic dipole antenna With a small gap in the middle for field concentration at THz...
View ArticleInitial concentration at the node, 1D, Solute transport, Porous media
Hello, I have a pretty easy 1D model, governed by the solute transport equation. My idea is to coupled it with the geochemical software phreeqc. So I would like to treat the nodes of comsol as phreeqc...
View ArticleSet an average flux boundary condition (to ultimately determine current...
Hi all, I am using the basic COMSOL package (no additional modules) and am trying to determine the current density distribution for an electrodeposition reaction on a complex geometry. Using Fick's...
View ArticleMesh Problem: Inverted elements & Failed to create boundary layer, domain...
Hello everyone, I am trying to model a simple Shell and Tube heat exchanger. I have always the same meshing problem. Sometimes if meshing succeeds then during computing the message of avoiding inverted...
View ArticleMeasuring Self-Capacitance
I would like to determine the self capacitance of a single electrode on a PCB. I have successfully built the model and solved for the capacitance, but I'm not sure of my answer. The process I used is...
View ArticleDependent Boundary Condition
Dear All Do you know how to impose such a boundary condition in COMSOL for a simple flow in a channel? I want to impose u=du/dy at the lower wall of the channel (for example at y= -1m) (u is the...
View ArticleOut of memory during LU factorization
Hi there, I am a new member in the COMSOL community. I am trying to solve a simple 3D problem having diffusion and chemical reaction within the subdomain. However, I am getting this message "out of...
View ArticleFGM Material properties
I am new to comsol. Is it possible to include FGM properties in COMSOL
View ArticleSyngas Combustion in a Round-Jet Burner with comsol 4.3
Hi everybody i want to reproduce the problem "Syngas Combustion in a Round-Jet Burner" with comsol 4.3, this problem has been solved with comsol 4.4, but ! I don't know how to couple reacting flow with...
View Article"Conjugate Heat transfer" failed to converge if a fluid is included.
A cylinder with a cavity filled with water is the geometry. At the beginning, the outer wall hast a temperature different from the contents."Conjugate Heat transfer" is used to model the thermal...
View ArticleSurface stress components on arbitrary objects
I want to study the normal, axial and tangential stress components (full tensor) on the side surface or along a circumfering line of a conical object. This is quite similar to a previous discussion...
View ArticleComsol with Livelink
Hey Everyone, I am new to Comsol and Livelink. I've been going through some of the tutorials here However, I'm still confused as to how to run an...
View ArticleCaculate the boundary force through surface integration of von mises stress
Hello everyone , just wanna ask a simple question. The simulation is performed under structual mechanics. Geometry is a cone, whose top redius is 0.009um, bottom radius is 5um, height is 9um. Material...
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