moving a particle through the laminar flow
Hi I want to simulate the problem in which a sphere moves through a fluid and study its time dependent profile but I can't move the sphere anyway. I used the moving boundary condition for particle...
View ArticleLaminar Flow with Maxwell Rheology
Hello, I am trying to build a viscoelastic flow model in comsol. It's basically incompressible stokes-flow, but not with the standard viscous rheology. Rather I want to use a viscoelastic Maxwell...
View ArticleProblem with data interpolation when loading grid data
I have generated values for a variable (initial potential for solving Poisson equation) in a 2-D grid with less than 4 orders of magnitude change in grid size. Even with such grid sizes, the following...
View Articleproblems with interpolation function
I'm using measured data on rain events with 15,000 entries. I'm now trying to implement the data into comsol as a function of time. I have found that using the interpolation function works when using...
View ArticleBandstructure of 2D solid-fluid phononic crystal
Hi all, I am trying to obtain the band structure for 2 dimesnional phononic crystal composed of liquid (water) cylinders in Al through the acustic-structure interaction model in COMSOL 4.3a. Although...
View ArticleVolume/Surface of a deformed medium
I used a simple 2-D geometry of a solid material. I used "solid mechanics" module and applied different external pressures to the material. As expected the material was deformed under ther external...
View ArticlePlot differential displacement between two points, parametrized by z-coordinate
I'm trying to plot the differential displacement u, between points on opposing faces of my model but parametrized by the Z-coordinate. I can easily generate the data with a parametrized curve along...
View ArticleFluid Flow-Particle Tracing-Electrostatics Coupling - Detect particles
Dear COMSOL community, I am new to COMSOL and have been tasked with modelling the trajectory of particles being under the influence of a laminar fluid flow and the electric potential of a charged steel...
View Articlebolt pre-stress and unions in Comsol
Hi, I'm trying to model a simple axysymmetric assembly that is joined with a bolt as you can see in the attached file. But I'm worried about the pre-stress I'm introducing in the model. In spite of not...
View ArticleWhat are Study Extensions in COMSOL and how do I alter this?
I am currently trying to run an analysis with a stationary study on a cracked plate with a thermal load applied. I would like to modify the Study Extensions so that it runs twice for two studies where...
View ArticleCombining magnitudes of different frequency in the emw model
Hey everybody. I have been working in the RF>Electromagnetic waves (emw) module trying to reproduce the system described in the comsol notes: 'Optical Scattering Off of a Gold Nanosphere'...
View ArticleHow to solve first-order PDE?
Hello, I try to solve 2D first order PDE in COMSOL, but unsuccessful yet. The equation is f_t + x*f_x + y*f_y = 0 with initial condition f(x,y,t=0) = y/x - log(x) on square area S = (1..9, 0..1). The...
View Article3.5a: "Large Deformation" not in Application Mode Properties
I'm trying to follow along with the "Large Deformation Beam" model. I have applied the Structural Mechanics: Plane Stress module. When I go to Physics --> Properties, the Application Mode Properties...
View ArticleOutlet boundary condition in PDE coefficient form
Hi guys, I'm trying to simulate the charge transport equation for 3 species (electron, positive and negative ion) using the PDE module coefficient form. Here's my question, How can I simulate "outflow"...
View Articleelectric field intensity and equipotential surfaces
Hi, I just started using Comsol. Can anyone help me, please? I want to compute the electric field intensity and plot the equipotential surfaces produced by two cylindrical conductors of radius “r”...
View ArticleCoupling 1D Pipeflow to 2D axisymmetric Porous Media
I am working on coupling 1D pipeflow to 2D axisymmetric porous media. The coupling is peformed by averaging the 2D boundary to the 1D point and integrating the 1D point to the 2D boundary. The coupling...
View Article2D Depth in 4.3a
Hello, I am relatively new to COMSOL. I am using version 4.3a. My issue is with heat transfer in solids, specifically the depth to my geometry. It is my understanding that the default depth is 1m....
View ArticleLarge mesh with Beam Envelopes module
Dear all, probably I'm missing something about the use of the Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelopes; as I understand well, this module can be used to simulate a long waveguide (some mm or cm long) but...
View ArticlePrestress Analysis, Frequency Domain
HI, I am asking about if we can use variable load (function of time or frequency) instead the constant load in frequency domain (Perturbation), and how to do that. if we know that the constant load...
View ArticleTurbulent air flow through a continuously variable transmission enclosure
Hi there, I am a student working on my senior ME project. I am hoping to model turbulent air flow through the casing of a CVT enclosure. The pulleys of the CVT will be rotating at the optimal engine...
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