Hey Everyone,
I am new to Comsol and Livelink. I've been going through some of the tutorials here www.uaemex.mx/fciencias/Main/LiveLinkforMATLAB_43b.pdf
However, I'm still confused as to how to run an exported .m comsol file in desktop Matlab (since it never actually runs).
The overall scope of what I am trying to do is to a model simulation in Matlab, and have various parameters controlled via a GUI in Matlab.
I am new to Comsol and Livelink. I've been going through some of the tutorials here www.uaemex.mx/fciencias/Main/LiveLinkforMATLAB_43b.pdf
However, I'm still confused as to how to run an exported .m comsol file in desktop Matlab (since it never actually runs).
The overall scope of what I am trying to do is to a model simulation in Matlab, and have various parameters controlled via a GUI in Matlab.