Saving electric field plots
Hi all, I have programmed a simulation to output the intensity of the backscattered reflection off a particle due to an incident Gaussian beam. In order to do this I have declared my far-field domain...
View Articleheat transfer in fluidized bed
Hi i'm a beginer with comsol, i try to simulate heat transfer in fluidized bed can someone help and tell me how to do it, and how to couple hydrodynamic and heat transfer? Best regards...
View Articlemagnetic vector potential Az with mfh physic
Hi, Is there a way to obtain/plot the magnetic vector potential Az when using the AC/DC mfh physic ? Thank you in advance. -- L. Queval
View ArticleGauss' Law in Electric Current interface
Dear Comsolers, I'm trying to solve an electric field transient problem, where the charge relaxation time is in the same order of considered external time scale hence I'm using Electric Currents...
View ArticleElectromagnetic actuator with movable permanent magnet
Hi, I'm trying to solve an multiphysics problem. The main geometry parts in the model are two solenoid coils with ferromagnetic core and one cylindrical permanent magnet(PM) which is movable between...
View ArticleTemperature variation in transitional flow
Hej everybody, i am modelling rarefied gasflow (transitional regime) trough a long tube (vacuum at the end). I would like to include some temperature derivations in the model. I know that the...
View Articleusing the test() operator for a BC (weak formulation)
Hi, I work on a coupled air-heat-moisture model in building walls. I use the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow modules, with T and P as dependent variables, and a node for moisture transfer, with phi...
View Articlecontact mechanics model + eigenfrequency analysis
Hi everyone, I'm using comsol 4.3b to calculate the contact resonance frequencies of a semi-sphere pressed on a surface (a 3D model). Basically, I have performed a two steps study. The first one is a...
View ArticleModal analyses of assembly constructions
Hi, I was making an eigenfrequency analyse of electric motor housing including several rotor and stator parts. Since I am using a solidworks livelink the construction is a bit more complicated yet...
View ArticleGeometry problem
Dear comsol-experts, Attached in this dropboxfolder is a model that tries to simulate a simple shell and tube heat The problem is that meshing...
View ArticleScattering of a plane wave by a nanosphere
I have been tried to simulate the scattering of a plane wave by a single metallic nanosphere using the RF Module, however with no success. During the computation process, an error message was shown....
View ArticleMeasured Temprature Profile
Hi all, I am trying to use measured temperature profile as boundary condition. I've seen in some tutorials that there is a possibility to use "Option", then "Function", "Interpolation",,,etc. Perhaps...
View Articlehow to apply AC voltage
respected sir i m creating a mems based disk resonator on comsol4.1 structure is drawn and i need to apply a AC VOLTAGE OF 2mV TO ONE OF THE ELECTRODE IN MY STRUCTURE. can anyone help me how to apply...
View ArticleFluid Structure Interaction with Piezoelectric
I was wondering if someone could help me figure out how to model the fluid structure interaction using the piezoelectric device physics model as well. I am trying to model synthetic jet actuators and I...
View ArticleHow to apply AC voltage on two capacitor plates.
Dear All Hope you will be fine. I am beginer in the comsol, i want to model the electric field in two parallel plate capacitor by applying AC voltage to it and to see the electric field. I don't know...
View ArticleCalculating advective/diffusive fluid flux over a boundary -darcy's law and...
Hello, Currently, I am modeling the transport of diluted species under concentration gradient and pressure differential in the soil which enters the building through foundation cracks. I am using two...
View Articleelectric field intensity and equipotential surfaces
Hi, I just started using Comsol. Can anyone help me, please? I want to compute the electric field intensity and plot the equipotential surfaces produced by two cylindrical conductors of radius “r”...
View ArticleInitial concentration at the node, 1D, Solute transport, Porous media
Hello, I have a pretty easy 1D model, governed by the solute transport equation. My idea is to coupled it with the geochemical software phreeqc. So I would like to treat the nodes of comsol as phreeqc...
View ArticleNatural frequency Disappearing. need help
I was doing modal analysis of PCB board . I have done for full model, half model and quarter model. But some of the natural frequencies in the full model is disappearing in the half model and some more...
View Articleoptical mems
how to give light as a second input in comsol multiphysics. I gave pressure as first input on the top, from the bottom i need to give light. Is there any options kindly notify me.
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