Electrostatic Actuation of Cantilever beam
I,m trying to do the tutorial electrostatic actuation of cantilever beam, although i have followed exactly all the instructions but I receive the following error message. (I also checked all the...
View ArticleCreate Spherical Geometry from txt file
I have a group of spheres arranged into a text file that looks like diameter x_center y_center z_center # # # # # # # # # # # # Is there any way in COMSOL to create a sphere centered at (x,y,z) with...
View Articleimport data into comsol
Hello everyone, I have a 2d displacement fields obtained experimentally and I would use it as a solution in COMSOL. 1 - Is possible in COMSOL? 2 - Does anyone have an idea? 3 - Or can we do with...
View ArticleMoving wall boundary condition
Hi, in fluid flow simulations with a moving wall boundary condition (a rotation of a circular surface region), I get strong pressure oscillations at the edge of the rotating part of the surface (where...
View ArticleWhere is my mistake in my MATLAB code
As a practice to learn MATLAB live link, I try to write a MATLAB code which is able to duplicate the results made by "Heating with a Moving Laser" model available on the COMSOL website. I am highly...
View ArticleThermoelastic damping
Hello everyone, COMSOL has a solved model for calculating thermoelastic damping, but it only works at resonance frequencies. Is there a way by which the example can be used for obtaining thermoelastic...
View ArticleModeling thermal contact resistance in Comsol 4.3a
I would like to model the heat transfer in multiple layers of foil compressed by a static force. Now there are multiple papers evaluating thermal contact resistance for different contact pressures (for...
View ArticlePhase change effect in Simulation
Dear Comsol Users, I would like to know if someone here has already deal with phase change effect in the simulation. I mean, like water phase change from liquid to gas --> showing the pressure and...
View Articlechanging just the geometry from 3D to 2D possible ?
Is a changing just of the geometry from 3D to 2D possible, without start a new model from the scratch?
View ArticleMagnetic Fields: Harmonic Perturbation 1
Dear all, I'm simulating a multi-turn coil (N=100) with Icoil=1Ampere. When I put Harmonic Perturbation on, the coil inductance changes. Why? what is happening in harmonic perturbation? In Frequency...
View Articleincorrect results -- 2D-Axissymmetric modeling - averages do not respect the...
If I use a "2D axsissymmetric component" respresenting for example a cylinder. Then Definitions/Component Couplings/Average results in the average of the 2D cross-section but does not calculate the...
View ArticleHow to calculate a volume in a 2D-Axissymmetric modeling ?
How can I correctly calculate the volume (changing in time) of a 3D Cylinder by means of a 2D-Axissymmetric modeling ? A multiplication of the integral of the area of the 2D cross-section with Pi and...
View ArticleRF heating in waveguide
I have been working on the RF heating of waveguide. How can i get the thermal stress developed in the waveguide?
View Articleviewing 2d plots
Hi, this seems to be a simple thing but i cant seem to figure it out. i have very high aspect geometry in my model so it helps to view it (in 2D) with the axes not being equal. this was simple in...
View ArticlePhotonic crystal fiber
I am trying to model a photonic crystal fiber with liquid crystal filled holes.. I am a starter and it would be really helpful if any one can help me regarding the resources from where i can learn the...
View ArticleALE moving mesh + electrostatics force calculation are in conflict
Hello Everyone, thanks for all the support or tips you may give on the following problem. I am trying to couple three different modules, to monitor the displacement of a bubble in a channel in 3D under...
View ArticleRigid-body Μodes
Hello guys. I am using Comsol more and more these days, so you will be hearing from me regularly from now on. I hope we'll have a nice chat. To the point now: In Eigenfrequency Analysis of a system, is...
View ArticleBug with Solidworks livelink in Comsol ?
Hi. We recently started using Comsol for Cathodic protection analysis and we are using Solidworks for modelling. In some of our models we get this issues that we loose the selections and need to...
View ArticleAcoustic module: COMSOL beginners
1. Difference between acoustic pressure and sound pressure graph? 2. can we simulate/compute small region of the big geometry. 3. how to give sine wave input? 4. how mesh size effect the analysis? 5....
View ArticleSyntax for total derivatives
I have this equation - (D1*p*(d^2 f1/dC1^2) + D2*(1-p)*(d^2 f2/dC2^2)) d^2 / dC^2 represents a second order total derivative. f1 and f2 are functions where f1 = f(C1, Ca) f2 = f(C2, Cb) In general, How...
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