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Effective index and singular matrix error

Hi everyone, I am trying to analyze a silicon waveguide by COMSOL 3.5 using RF Module - Perpendicular waves, and I need to find the effective index for a set of wavelength. I have had no problems to...

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capacitive transducer, Harmonic Perturbation problem, output pressure

Hello,everyone I'm trying to simulate a capacitive transducer to get the ultrasound with the vibratng membrane. In the begining I use 2D axial symmetry, MEMS module, Pressure Acoustic,Frequency Domain...

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good morning I designed creep model of steel bar. Heating the bar up to 1000 ° C and then apply a constant load for 600s. I only used the Marerial Model: Norton Why in the strain-time curve does not...

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Formula for Inductance coil?

Hi, I'm simulating a coil in comsol. And calculating the coil inductance with global evaluation. But what is the formula it's using? L=(N^2*u0*ur*A)/l doesn't give me the same results. Thanks!

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No temperatures calculated by the "Conjugate Heat Transfer" node in the fluid...

I have a mechanic system consisting of fluid and solid parts. The problem is combined, it is mechanics and heat transfer. I need to calculate heat transfer through both components -solid and fluid. AND...

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1D transport LivelinkComsol Matlab funciton com.comsol.model.impl.StudyImpl

Hello, I try to couple COMSOL with other program using MATLAB [LinkLiveComsol], and I have the following problem that I cannot understand. Imagine you have a really simple advection-dispersion...

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Hexagonal Crystal (Sapphire) Wafer Orientation

Hello, I am working with the solid mechanics module and I don't seem to understand the way Comsol treats a material with hexagonal crystal structure. I have a simple 3D rectangular solid structure that...

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moving mesh and electrostatics coupling

Hello everyone Have you ever encounter the moving mesh and electrostatics coupling problem? If you have,thank your for your advise Thanks a lot

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The 'penalty method' in the 'Pull-in of an RF MEMS switch' model

In comsol 4.4 this model provides a very valuable method to calculate the pull-in time of an RF MEMS switch through transient analysis, but I'am a little confused about the parameter 'tn=5e5 pa'(...

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freeze-drying; convective heat transfer with Sublimation/Resublimation

Hi guys, I’m writing my bachelor thesis and want to do a simulation of freeze-drying of coffee with comsol 4.4, but I have not much experience with it. I made some tutorials and simulated examples...

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simpel model of an extruder

Hi, We are struggling with a simpel representation of an extruder. We first want to simulate a rotating rod in an concentric cilinder. The fluid around the rod is water (laminar flow). Later on, we...

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Temperatures missed in the solid area in "Conjugate Heat Transfer"...

Why are no Temperatures calculated in the 'solid' domain, while they are calculated in the fluid domain. I easily understand that no velocities can be calculated for the solid area, but temperature...

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magnetic field gradient in 3D return zero!

Hi everybody If anybody knows that why the gradient of magnetic field in 3D models is always zero? I checked the different methods. for example I wrote d(Bx,x) or different component of B and H. Even...

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analytic function in another analytic function

Hi, I have two questions: 1. an analytic cunction that has one argument - sigmaxx that I want to incorperate in another analytic function that has another argument = ec.normE. I cant do it no matter...

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Imposing Dirichlet domain condition

Hello all, I wonder if there is a way to impose a Dirichlet condition not on a boundary but on a domain. Let's say, for instance, that at a time tn of my calculation I want to impose null velocity in...

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time dependant simulation: variable input

Hi everybody, I am trying to simulate and validate an air solar collector model. I would introduce time-dependant (hourly time step) input for air temperature and solar radiation using an interpolation...

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How can we use Poroelastic Wave Interface to simulate waves in partially...

Hello everyone, I have a question here: How can we use the Poroelastic Wave Interface to simulate wave propagation in partially saturated porous media in COMSOL Multiphysics ? Biot's theory is...

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Hello, I run a diffusion test on a 3D model, I want to find average concentration over some cross sections along the x direction. is it possible? Thank you, Saeed

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rigid solid 2D axisymmetric

I have created a 2D axisymmetric and I want to make one of the elements a rigid solid. However I cannot find the option in the right-click menu of the physics node. It usually is in domains in a 3D...

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Loudspeaker Modelling

Hi, I have a simple cabinet with a port on the front face. I then have half a sphere normal to the front face acting as the air domain. Firstly, how can I look at the modes inside the cabinet? Using...

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