natural convection and open boundary
Hi I’m trying to model a simple room where one hot wall drives a natural convection. Since I only want to know what happends next to the hot wall I want to use the open boundary condition as to assume...
View ArticleAcoustic sine wave source
How to give acoustic sin wave of specific frequency from a point source?
View ArticleDC Discharge and Magnetic Field
Hello! I try to get Current-Voltage Characteristic of Inverted Magnetron Vacuum Gauge using COMSOL. (see image here ) I successfully...
View ArticleHeat transfer liquid/solid inteface in the Glass of Water example
Hi all, Im having trouble to adapt the example of the glass of water (Heat transfer module/Tutorial Models/cold_water_glass) that comes with Comsol. What I want to do is to set the temperature of the...
View Articlehow to apply a sine voltage to a piezoelectric device and gain an harmonic...
hello I'm new to comsol, and using comsol 4.3 for the purpose of mentioned above, I choose 3D dimension, 2 physics: piezoelectric device and electric circuit, and then choose stationary. create a...
View ArticleCompression test in comsol
Hello I'm doing a simulation of the uni-axial compression test of rounded bar using comsol, I tried to start with the static analysis module as a simplest way of simulation ( opposite boundary load...
View ArticleChanging electrode gap and tube diameter in DC glow dicharge
Hello! I am simulating DC discharge using DC glow dicharge positive_column_2d. I am puzzled that when I reduce the distance of electrode gap, for example, to 50mm, the simulation will not converge. I...
View ArticleFGM Material properties
I am new to comsol. Is it possible to include FGM properties in COMSOL
View Articlean AC problem, about "The DAE is structurally inconsistent"
Hello everyone I want to apply a sine voltage source to a piezoelectric ceramic. it's a model of COMSOL named"thickness_shear_quartz_oscillator.mph". the model works well but when I change the AC...
View ArticleA simple integration problem
Hi I need to integrate a curve with respect to time, but I dont know how to do so using COMSOL. My values representing my curve is a solution from a transient model, and is a ratio between two values...
View Articlemoving mesh or deformed geometry for fluid flow
Hi every body I want to simulate the 2D problem in which a sphere moves freely through a fluid with a finite velocity and study its time dependent profile but I can't move the sphere anyway. I used the...
View ArticleProbe plots and plot while solving in Comsol 4
How to have "plot while solving" and probe plots in different windows when solving a simulation? When I simply enable them both they show up alternately in the "graphics" tab, making them useless....
View Articleepoxy silica nano-composite material simulation
I am doing a project on simulation of electrical properties of epoxy-silica nano-composite material. The electrical properties include resistivity, loss tangent, relative permittivity, voltage and...
View ArticleHow to use solution as initial value for 2nd study with changed geometry?
Hello Everybody. I’m using comsol 4.3a. I try to use the solution from study 1 (stationary heat transfer) as the initial temperature value for a second time dependent study. Further a new geometry...
View ArticleLoudspeaker Driver - damping
Hi, I have noticed that for spider and suspension the Rayleigh damping is specified. The beta parameter is specified as a ratio of certain coefficient (0.14 for spider and 0.46 for suspension) and...
View ArticleAir loss into porous media effect on velocity
Hello all, I am trying to model air up a small hole (10 m long but very narrow). On one side of the hole there is a porous media which should cause air to be lost from hole into the media. I would...
View Articlehow to do ac analysis of filter
hii I am supriya kamble and i am releatively new to comsol. I am trying to simulate the given model but getting following error . errors during multiphysics the DAE structurally inconsistency...
View ArticleWhy the material contents cannot be set?
How tobuild a new materials ? 1.Why the material contents cannot be set? I cannot enter data while I click the table? 2.Does the contents is related to the physics that you choosed? 3.So, how to set a...
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