I'm new to comsol, and using comsol 4.3
for the purpose of mentioned above, I choose 3D dimension, 2 physics: piezoelectric device and electric circuit, and then choose stationary.
create a block, , define subdomain and boundary settings (one face of the cube - "Ground"; its opposite - "terminal", choose "circuit"; other faces - "Electric insulation". ) and then define the electric circuit, set a voltage source (sine source), and a external I terminal , the V option choose terminal voltage(pzd).
Press "Initialize mesh" and "Solve". and then come to error:
Segregated group 1
Failed to evaluate variable Jacobian.
- Variable: t
- Global scope
if I change to the DC source, another error occurs:
Failed to find a solution.
Segregated group 1
System matrix is zero.
Returned solution is not converged.
I wonder why and how can I get the result, thank you
I'm new to comsol, and using comsol 4.3
for the purpose of mentioned above, I choose 3D dimension, 2 physics: piezoelectric device and electric circuit, and then choose stationary.
create a block, , define subdomain and boundary settings (one face of the cube - "Ground"; its opposite - "terminal", choose "circuit"; other faces - "Electric insulation". ) and then define the electric circuit, set a voltage source (sine source), and a external I terminal , the V option choose terminal voltage(pzd).
Press "Initialize mesh" and "Solve". and then come to error:
Segregated group 1
Failed to evaluate variable Jacobian.
- Variable: t
- Global scope
if I change to the DC source, another error occurs:
Failed to find a solution.
Segregated group 1
System matrix is zero.
Returned solution is not converged.
I wonder why and how can I get the result, thank you