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How to transmit solution data between two models?

Hello! How to transmit solution data between two models? I have set up two models as follows. 1. To solve u1 satisfied the PDE, D1(u1)=f1, in the first model; 2. to solve u2 satisfied the PDE,...

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question about three dimension (3D) plasmonic waveguide

Hi everyone, Recently I have modeled a 3D plasmonic waveguide for calculating the transmission, utilizing boundary mode analysis and frequency analysis. The power flow distribution is fine (please see...

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half cylinder

Hi, Can any one please help me how to draw half cylinder. I mean which is cut exactly in middle i.e. half of the diameter. I had already draw the cylinder, but I do not know how to cut into half. Thanks.

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"Normal" Reynolds number ; Constant temperature through tubes

Hello Model can be found: www.dropbox.com/sh/mvgwp1qbc0dcwa6/YhJhuLItkj My model of a shell and tube heat exchanger has a constant temperature-profile. It's possible that steady state inside the model...

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coupled PDEs

Hello, I want to find the profiles of two fields (u1(x,y) and u2(x,y)) on a 2d geometry with known boundary conditions that satisfy the following equation: [(u2y*u1x-u1y*u2x)^2]x +...

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FSI Module for blood vessel simulation

Hi, I'm trying to implement a very basic 2D axisymmetric model of a blood vessel (straight tube) using the FSI module as I'm interested in getting a wall deformation profile. The problem is that my...

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Differences between the space dimension

Hi all, Trying to understand COMSOL better as I am a teaching assistant for a simulations class. Most of the time, i know which space dimension i should be using for my model. But for example, if i...

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Microwave pulse duty cycle

Hi, Can anyone help me out to define pulse mode or duty cycle for microwave heating problem in COMSOL 4.3b version. In normal microwave we have ON and OFF type of power. In my problem microwave power...

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How to enter a geometry information from a file

I have a geometry information (width, height), and corner locations of blocks in a xcel file. How do I import this information into COMSOL? Thanks

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Heat transfer physics for both fluids and solids with time dependent solver

Hi, I am stuck with my model that I try to couple three physics. I include electric current, creeping flow, and heat transfer in solids. Heat generates due to Joule heating inside of the fluid (defined...

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Why the solution only saves result from last study step?

Hi, I have a time dependent problem to solve. Because at the start and ending stage of the simulation variables change more significantly, I decide to use several time dependent study steps, for the...

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Define material property using analytical functions

Hi, everyone, As we know, Comsol allows using analytical functions of spatial coordinates to represent variable material properties on the domain of interest. I am wondering if the material property...

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MEMS Gyroscope Modelling Doubts

Hi all, I am Karthik. As a part of my Masters course, I need to do one mini project and I have chosen MEMS gyroscope. Eventhough my final realization is a ring based vibratory gyroscope, just to get...

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Bug with Solidworks livelink in Comsol ?

Hi. We recently started using Comsol for Cathodic protection analysis and we are using Solidworks for modelling. In some of our models we get this issues that we loose the selections and need to...

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Water droplet falling through air on a structured surface

Hi, Im new to comsol. I was trying to model a water droplet falling onto a solid substrate. The droplet should fall through air and then i should be able to calculate contact angles at various...

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Electrostatics and Electric Circuit

I am relatively new to COMSOL. I am trying to simulate a two part problem. 1. An electric pole is placed underwater 2. A circuit is built around it to measure the voltage drop across a resistor The...

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Melting Front and Free Surface

Dear all, I'm currently attempting to build a model similar to the "Tin Melting Front" in the model library. This model describes the melting of a metal through the Stefan problem and models the...

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Rigid-body Μodes

Hello guys. I am using Comsol more and more these days, so you will be hearing from me regularly from now on. I hope we'll have a nice chat. To the point now: In Eigenfrequency Analysis of a system, is...

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Turbulent air flow through a continuously variable transmission enclosure

Hi there, I am a student working on my senior ME project. I am hoping to model turbulent air flow through the casing of a CVT enclosure. The pulleys of the CVT will be rotating at the optimal engine...

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studies with multiples steps

Hi all, there is something so weird with my COMSOL 4.3, when I create a time dependent study with different steps the solution only represents the last step and It is not posible to change the time...

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