COMSOL simulation for heat and mass transfer across membrane for membrane...
Hi, For your information, I am developing a COMSOL simulation for the direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) process. It is actually a process which involve the heat and mass transfer from the...
View Article4th order pde
Hello everybody, I have 4th order pde equation (Navier sokes lubrication aproximation). As I know I need to make intermediate depended variables of 2nd order. Maybe somebody could tel me where I need...
View ArticleTrouble plotting dielectrophoretic forces as a result of particle tracing...
Hello all, I am simulating the motion of particles under a dielectrophoretic force in a microfluidic channel. There are two study steps: one that calculated the E-field and fluid flow field and one...
View ArticleODE simple problem
Hi, I have a two problems. I'm trying to solve simple differential equation in the form of: dA/dt=-k*t*A initial conditions: k=1 A=5e-4 At=5e-4 This equation is describing reaction kinetics. To be more...
View ArticleSelect all object, using ctrl-A
Hello, I have lots off object that should be selected using ctrl-A, but unfortunately Ctrl-A doesn't work. Do any one have any idea why it does not work. my Comsol version is 4.4. Thank you for your...
View ArticleAbstract Submission Open for the COMSOL Conference 2014
Dear COMSOL users, It is with great pleasure that I announce that we are now ready to receive your abstract submission for the COMSOL Conference 2014! Please visit our Call for Papers website for...
View Articlehow to simulate flow accelerated corrosion in carbon steel pipes ??
how to incorporate erosion and corrosion with two phase (water & steam) fluid flow ?? and to calculate wall thickness reduction ???
View Articlemodelling of ferrite core saturation
Hi, I am modelling an ipt system with ferrite disks below and above the primary and secondary coils, respectively, in AC/DC module in 2D axisymetric. Comsol 4.2 does not have ferrite on the material...
View Articlepredescribed displacement equals displacement value at certain point
hi guys, I'm pretty new to Comsol and i'm trying to implement a certain kind of boundary condition. Perhaps there is an easy solution to this, but i can't figure it out. My Problem is that i want to...
View ArticleSolving four coupled differential equations
Hi, There's an energy equation I need to minimize. This equation is the first equation on this page: However if you follow that page then you...
View ArticleTiO2 Absorption Spectra
Hi. I am studying the plasmonic effects of gold nanoparticles on a substrate (TiO2) and have successfully used the Scatterer on Substrate model to do this. I am able to produce an absorption spectrum...
View ArticleContact Mechanics - Convergence in Large Deformations
Hello, I am trying to model the compression of a soft cell by a rigid indentor. In the attached model, using Comsol's contact module and its default augmented Lagrangian method, I am able to obtain...
View Articlemerge model
hello..i have simple can i merge model in to the current my model ??i use comsol 4.2a thank for anyone answer me please
View Articlemerge model
hello..i have simple can i merge model in to the current my model ??i use comsol 4.2a thank for anyone answer me please
View ArticleBoundary not applicable
Hi., I am using COMSOL 4.4 for pressure acoustics Simulation. I have Problem in defining the boundaries. I imported the model from CATIA and capped the inlet and outlet for defining the boundaries but...
View Article4.4 Software problem
Hello, I just noticed a disturbing thing in COMSOL 4.4 (the equivalent of windows 8 in terms of GUI horribleness in my opinion). In previous versions, if the "low minimum element quality" warning...
View ArticleImport Jet Mesh Result for Particle Tracing
Hello, I'm trying to simulate a jet flow and trace some particles inside the jet. I'm using the Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow and I'm able to add forces like gravity that would ''simulate'' the jet....
View ArticleIs there a possibility to couple 1 variable of a user-defined formula with...
Hello, Greetings of the day! I am trying to define a (user-defined) material. One of the properties of the material (e.g. Electrical Conductivity) is to be defined using a formula. One of the variables...
View ArticleHeat flux or open boundary
Hello all, I am trying to modell a reactor and run a "Heat transfer in solids" analysis. The whole system is insulated except from the cap. So my question is which boundary condition should I select...
View Articlediffusion of ions in wood
Hi I am very new to this COMSOL software. I have a licensed version of 4.1 installed in my computer. I need to start model the diffusion of ions in wood. Can some of you please provide suggestions on...
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