I am modelling an ipt system with ferrite disks below and above the primary and secondary coils, respectively, in AC/DC module in 2D axisymetric. Comsol 4.2 does not have ferrite on the material library so i am defining the ferrite with HB and BH curves. Then on the magnetics section i am adding ampere law for the ferrites and choosing HB curve. Them in the solver settings i use the stationary solver and set it to linear. Inside the ferrite i am defining a polygon and later i am draving the normB on the polygon. However when i increase the current up to 1500 A it seems like the flux inside the ferrite is increasing up to 0.8 T despite the saturation point is 0.48 T.
I dont understand why it is still increasing the flux inside the ferrite. Does that mean the defined HB curve on the material property is ineffective? Please see the attachment to view the model.
I would really appreciate any feedback.
I am modelling an ipt system with ferrite disks below and above the primary and secondary coils, respectively, in AC/DC module in 2D axisymetric. Comsol 4.2 does not have ferrite on the material library so i am defining the ferrite with HB and BH curves. Then on the magnetics section i am adding ampere law for the ferrites and choosing HB curve. Them in the solver settings i use the stationary solver and set it to linear. Inside the ferrite i am defining a polygon and later i am draving the normB on the polygon. However when i increase the current up to 1500 A it seems like the flux inside the ferrite is increasing up to 0.8 T despite the saturation point is 0.48 T.
I dont understand why it is still increasing the flux inside the ferrite. Does that mean the defined HB curve on the material property is ineffective? Please see the attachment to view the model.
I would really appreciate any feedback.