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Equation View of Heat Transfer

when the Physics "Heat Transfer" used, we can see such Variables in the Equation View:
ht.kxx Thermal conductivity, xx component
ht.kyx Thermal conductivity, yx component
ht.kzx Thermal conductivity, zx component
ht.kxy Thermal conductivity, xy component
ht.kyy Thermal conductivity, yy component
ht.kzy Thermal conductivity, zy component
ht.kxz Thermal conductivity, xz component
ht.kyz Thermal conductivity, yz component
ht.kzz Thermal conductivity, zz component
My question is why there are so many components? Why not just three components: x component, y component, and z component?

Eigenvalue Calculations In RF Module With Perfectly Matched Layers: Radiation Q factors

Hi everyone,

I have one part general info that maybe others will find helpful, and one part question. Here goes:

I've been trying to compute the eigenvalues of dielectric GaAs disk structures (embedded in air or some other dielectric cladding) in the RF module.

In particular, I wanted to find the Q-factor (due to radiation alone) of whispering gallery modes in these structures. The type of mode isn't important, just that I wanted Q-factor for a dielectric structure that can radiate, so the Q factor is not infinity even though all materials are lossless.

For some reasons specific to my problem, I can't do this in the 2D axi-symmetry approach as you'll find in some of the comsol related papers on whispering gallery modes in aix-symmetry.

I'm forced to do 3D. Anyway, I had assumed that simply using perfectly matched layers (PMLs) of one wavelength thickness would do the trick and allow any radiation associated with the eigenmode to be absorbed w/o reflection and just die in the PMLs.

I've had lots of success with comsol default PMLs in say, steady state (frequency domain, stationary) analysis. So I was really puzzled why the choice of the size of my cladding layer before PMLs affected DRAMATICALLY the Q factor reported by comsol. The resonant frequency (and consequently, wavelength) were relatively unaffected by how big a domain I drew around my (nm to micron sized) disk.

Turns out, comsol drops a scaling factor in the "coordinate stretching in the complex plane" that is equal to the wavelength. This means (and I worked through the math here, given comsol's definition of the PML stretching) that effectively my physically 1 wavelength (~1200 nm) long PML "looks" like it's 1 METER long after PML stretching. This is no good--especially when you only have 5 elements in that 1 wavelength long PML. It means that it is TERRIBLY undermeshed. This normally just leads to "Singular Matrix" for most cases, but in the off chance you DO get a solution, the Q factor is nonsense, but yet the wavelength is in the ballpark.

The fix:

Set the scaling factor, F, as it appears in the PML subnode equal to 1 wavelength (of the mode you're interested in, so you kinda have to take a guess, just like you do at where to search for eigenmodes, you can tune later once comsol reports a wavelength from a first run...remember, the wavelengths [frequencies] I think are trustworthy regardless of PML choice).

This worked like a charm for me, and I believe is a general approach for getting Comsol to report Quality factors truthfully. I compared my results for a disk that's 2 microns long made out of GaAs (easy to find in literature--it's all over a google search for "whispering gallery modes + comsol"), and got decent agreement with the Q factor they report from axi-symmetry analysis.

Anyway, I hope the above may help others, since I've struggled for a month now before I read the fine print in comsol and found they drop the "lambda" term in their coordinate stretching in eigenvalue calculations so as to avoid nonlinear dependence (b/c wavelength and frequency are connected, the stretching would be eigenvalue dependent otherwise)...

I do have one question, if anyone can help. Comsol reports 1 Q-factor from taking the imaginary part of the eigenvalue and dividing by twice the real part of that same eigenvalue calculation. If it were REALLY REALLY correct,then I should be able to go into post processing mode and do the following:

1. Know Q =(defined)=omega_0*(Time_Avg_Energy_at_resonance)/(Time_avg_power_disssipated_at_resonance)

2. Extract omega_0, the resonant ANGULAR frequency, from the imaginary part of the eigenvalue

3. [3D Volume] Integrate energy density over entire model space (all domains) to get the numerator

4. [3D Volume] Integrate resistive losses (or power dissipation density in V4.2, they're the same) to get the denominator.

I do this and I get the computed quality factor from (1) to be EXACTLY 2 times that which comsol reports.

Anybody have any ideas on where this is coming from. I'm happy knowing ONE of the answers is correct and that only a factor of 2x separates me from truth, but I'd very much appreciate it if someone could tell me what one is the right one. I'm inclined to believe the computed answer from number (1) above, because it agrees better with numbers I find in the literature for my test case...But even comsol's direct answer isn't too far off those values either (well, a factor of 2....but maybe comsol IS right).



Link Matlab to Comsol in MAC - path problem

Dear all,

in the bin/comsol.ini file I defined


The problem is that when clicking the app COMSOL with Matlab a problem appears.
checking the setlog I says something like

the path is not found: applications/matlab_R2011.app/bin/bin/matlab.

Then I check in matlab and actually I onlye have the path: applications/matlab_R2011.app/bin/matlab.

As you can see only one "bin" folder appears not 2. So I guess the solution is to fix the comsol.ini file and put one bin folder but I don't know how to do it.

any help

Pipe Heating Control HELP!!!

Hey everyone,

Attached is a model I have of air being heating as it passes throug a pipe.

Right now the Q (heat source term) was calculated to raise the temperature of the pipe from the inlet temp of ~290 K to the desired temp of ~350. The Q is a parameter that I put in based on my calculations.

I want implement P-control (proportional control) so I added a variable that says

Qcontrolled = kP(Tmeasured-Tsetpoint), where my set point temp is 70C, kP is my proportional parameter, and Tmeasured SHOULD be the temp of the air at a point in the pipe in the heated section.

Basically, I want to add P control. I don't want to have to calculate a Q and then add it as a parameter. I want to have Q be a calculated number based on the required set point of 70 C.

Any thoughts on how to do this? Help is greatly appreciated!

Drawing A Spiral in 3D


how can i draw a spiral in 3D in COMSOL 3.5a ?


About conductive electrodes of piezoceramics layers

Hello everyone,

I am working on a piezoelectric energy harvester(substructure and a piezoceramic layer). I am applying a point force on the substructure and measuring the voltage from the surface of the piezoceramic to obtain voltage FRF (voltage/point force).

I want my model to account for the conductive electrodes bracketing the piezoceramic layer so that I can obtain uniform potential distribution throughout the surface of the piezoceramic. However, I couldnt find the appropriate boundary condition for this purpose.

I appreciate any help,
Bugra Bayik.

About creation of struturegeomerty

I am a student of University of Pune,working on Rf MEMS Switch. I can't get how to create a structural geometry of cantilever beam in Com sol multiphysics.
So please help me to create a geometry.


The relative error is greater than the relative tolerance..Error!!!

Iam a newbie to comsol. And Iam learning comsol for my research. I simulated my first simulation and I got the below mentioned errors.

Failed to find a solution.
The relative error (4.6e+004) is greater than the relative tolerance.
Returned solution is not converged.

Later I did some modifications and the error was

'Failed to find a solution.
The relative residual (0.0036) is greater than the relative tolerance.
Returned solution is not converged.

and a warning-->New constraint force nodes detected: These are not stored.

Can anyone help me to eliminate this errors.

harmonic perturbation

I have a question about harmonic perturbation

I assigned a 1 A current to a cylinder in mf physics using multi-turn coil and solved it with a 60Hz frequency using frequency domain. If I assign 0.1 A to the harmonic perturbation under this coil, what is this current actually? if this "harmonic perturbation" is a harmonic order, why we can not set the order of harmonic?

if this is not an harmonic order, how can we assign harmonic order {A(60Hz)+B(120Hz)} to a coil in frequency domain study.?



I have two questions:

1)what kind of strategies can I use to attack a strip of flexible polymer on a cylindrical surface?

2)Can I measure the length of portions of curves whose design geometry in the space?

How to plot required results??

Dear sir,

I wish to create an imaginary plane in required location of my model and plot the results like Maximum, Average and Minimum temperatures at that particular plane. How can I do that?



I cannot work out how to get dT/dt ( temperature variation rate) when using COMSOL. I am a beginner and currently using a version 4. I am modelling the heat transfer of a thin pyroelectric solid and I do not know how to get a plot of dTemperature/dTime against time. I have attached a paper below which pretty much gives the results I am looking for. I just need to work out how they did it.



Coupling three physics "variables not solved for"

I have to solve three different physics together in COMSOL .
physics 1-Electrostatics: solving for variable V
physics 2-Electrostatics:solving for variable V2
physics 3-Navier stokes equation:solves for u and p(body force term is rho1*Ez2 where rho1 is charge density obtained from physics1 and Ez2 is electric field obtained from physics2)
The structure of the problem :At each time step,physics 1 and physics 2 are independent to each other (no relation between them) but physics 3 uses the results of physics 1&2.I have to solve them with time dependent solver.

To reduce computational effort and to have individual mesh for each physics,I want to solve physics 1(V) and store data (say data1) ,physics 2 (V2) and store data (say data2)and followed by physics 3.Is there any way in comsol 3.3 to 4.3 versions to do this?As I have seen in comsol latest versions,we have option "dependent variables not solved for " but there we cannot select two stored solutions simultaneously.For now I have solved physics 1 & physics 2 together and stored as data 1 and given this as input to physics 3 through option " variables not solved for"

Summarizing I need to know "How to transfer solution from two independent studies or two independent study steps to third study or third study step at each time step"?

Bhavanarayana chakka

Forced Vibration of Vertical Simply Supported Beam with 'Overhang'


I'm trying to simulate the forced vibration of a beam that stands vertical and is supported by two simple supports that are shaken back and forth by a motor as in the attached schematic. I've also attached a model where the support separation is 335mm and the free length is 1599mm. I have a couple of questions I hope someone can help me with.

I've managed to perform the eigenfrequency study but the frequencies that result do not agree with ANSYS or my mathematical result (which do agree with each other). I also have a test rig running and observations of shuttle oscillation frequency agree with ANSYS and mathematical results. The results from the mathematical study and ansys put the first 3 frequencies at approximately 0.4Hz, 2.9Hz, and 8.3Hz. For some reason the first 3 eigenfrequencies from COMSOL are around 1Hz, 6.4Hz and 18Hz. Is someone able to shed some light on why this occurs? Is there a problem with my COMSOL model?

Also, in going ahead and just assuming that the frequencies are OK I've tried to do a frequency domain study to find the stresses in the beam using the eigenfrequencies obtained. I've tried adding a harmonic perturbation boundary load to the free end (just arbitrary for now at 10ms-2) but there is no deflection around the 6.4Hz eigenfrequency I found (I haven't tried other eigenfrequencies yet). Is the lack of damping the problem? My preference for FEA is COMSOL so I'd really like to find out how to do this. Haven't tried the stress study in ANSYS.

For some background to the project I've attached a video of the sculpture that this project concerns (skip to about half way to see it going). It is a Len Lye piece and the owner wants to build a larger version. Hence the FEA analysis.


Any help would be much appreciated


PML Scaling factor in COMSOL 4.3


I am doing a 3D simulation with COMSOL 4.3 to find the field distribution and the mode of a waveguide where all the cladding, the core and the substrate have different refractive index. I have implemented a PML at the end of my waveguide to avoid any back reflection in to the waveguide and any standing wave patterns which might arise due to this reflection.

But I am still having some reflection from my PML which means it is not optimized. I have tried to manually scale down at the ‘’PML scaling factor’’ option for each of the interface as:

wavelength/nguide/PML_length , wavelength/nsubstrate/PML_length and wavelength/nsubstrate/PML_length

but it didn't help. Can anyone suggest how to properly scale the PML in COMSOL 4.3 for optimized performance? Thank you very much for any help and suggestions.


Optical properties of metals in the MIR

Hi All,

I am simulating gold nanostructures that, because of their geometry, are expected to have a plasmonic resonance in the MIR (aprox. 4 microns).

I am using models from nanohub to get the optical properties of gold (real and imaginary parts of epsilon). But all these models are inaccurate >2micron.

What can I do?

Thanks in advance!


Volume Integration and Surface Integration

What is the use of volume integration and surface integration for the parameters like temperature, pressure and velocity??

Simulation of solar cell


I am designing a solar cell in comsol as part of my research program and I am not sure how to provide Light intensity as input.. Kindly help..

Grain Modeling

In ComSol 4.2 how can we give different crystal to different grains Please suggest any method , as I am able to change crystal orientation of whole model but not of each boundary unit separately.
Please guide me with it.

Properties and funkction of model


Could someone explain what it is used commands are listed in the Annex to this post?
They can be used?
And where can I find the documentation for this command?

Thank you.
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