problem with piezoelectric impedance two method
Hello, I use two method to calculate piezoelectric impedance. method 1: I use (pzd.Y11) to calculate impedance of piezoelectric. method 2: I use Electrical Circuit (cir) coupled with Piezoelectric...
View ArticleA problem with two physics.
Hello everyone, I am trying to simulate a simple problem which includes a fluid channel and a piezoelectric splitter. I used two physics: "piezoelectric devices" and "laminar flow", each of them works...
View ArticleComparing the properties of designs in Thermal Expansion Model
Hi I want to make a design of hotplate in MEMS module and I have made certain designs in thermal expansion model in mems module using Bronze, CMS C17500, Platinum, DilverP1. But I cannot understand...
View Articleweak form PDE
Can anyone help me solve a differential equation (solve for x) using time dependent weak form boundary PDE module. The equation is dx/dt = a(1-x)-b(x). I tried to write expressions x_test*(a*(1-x)-b*x)...
View Articlecompilation error
Hi, I ran a conjugate gradient model for determine temperature distribution (time domain). Then I added a structural analysis model (steady state) with last solution from conjugate gradient as input...
View Articlediscontinuous time dependent PFR
Hello everyone, I'm studying a discontinuous time dependent PFR using Transport of Diluited Species. I want to set feed concentration the same of the outflow one. How can I set this condition using...
View ArticleSolver start and end time
Hello all, I am trying to define the start and the end time of a time dependent simulation using a MATLAB function. This is necessary because the start and end time will be different for each...
View Article2D off plane size
Hello all, I am building 2D model of a capacitive device. How can specify the off plane size of the model? Dmitrii
View ArticlePiezoelectric Power Output Visualization
Hi, This is probably a simple question but what the heh. Lets say I have a simple energy harvester beam model fixed at one side and supplied with a body load at the other. This body load is simply...
View Article3D AC Coils with Moving Mesh
Hi guys, I'm trying to model a pair of coils, one active with a varying AC current and a parallel passive coil that is suppose to act like a sensor. In this model I'm sending a metallic object through...
View ArticleRating surfaces
that assessment surfaces or tools can be found in COMSOL to observe the behavior anywhere in geometry, either a point, a line or a plane, exactly. One of the tools that I use is "Terminal" but I have a...
View Articlemoving user defined material library
Hi, How to move user defined material library from comsol 4.2a to comsol 4.3a? Regards, Susant
View ArticleTwo-Phase flow with Fluid Particle Interaction
Hi, I am using Comsol 4.3 to model a two phase flow of immiscible fluids. I would like to add the Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow physics with a Fluid-Particle Interaction to solve for the flow field...
View ArticleMatlab LiveLink - Get Max VanMises Stress
Hi, i'm working on an optimisation using a genetic algorithm (matlab) for model generation and comsol multiphysics for solving the fe model (Solid Mechanic with prescribed displacement). I know how to...
View ArticleHow setup a current density in RF module
I am calculating the Lorentz force in a sheet metal near spiral coils. Transient current thru the coils have short period. So I am using the RF module instead of the AC/DC module. In one example, I...
View ArticleHow to plot the S11 plot of the patch antenna
I want to know how to plot the S11 plot for the patch antenna
View ArticleVideo plot
I have designed a patch antenna. I want to change the substrates permeability values from 1 to 100 in multiples of 10 and want to view the plot at once in the form of the video. Please help me, how can...
View ArticlePML,eigenfrequency analysis
Dear all, I'm new to Comsol sofware. Could someone please tell me if I can use PML in eigenfrequency analysis mode in piezoelectric devices interface of structural mechanics Module. I'm using Comsol...
View Articleparticle tracing in electric and magnetic fields
Hello, I simulate in a 3D model electric and magnetic fields. The geometry has a axial symmetry. In this case, I simulate only one quader of the whole system. That is working fine. When I try to...
View ArticleLubrication shell coupled with ODE
Hi, I have some problems in coupling the lubrication shell interface with a global equation. I'm using the lubrication shell to model a tilting pad: I impose the pressure on the borders of the pad (two...
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