beam buckling analysis
Hi, I am trying to analysis a beam buckling under gravity with different boundary conditions. It can be fixed-free or fixed-fixed but slided in one direction. Can anyone give some suggestions about...
View ArticleClarification of expression : (acos(tpf.intnormr)) [Capillary filling]
Hey all, i'm planning to model the capillary filling of different geometries. As introduction i've been studying the example from comsol : microfluidics module --> Two-Phase-Flow --> Capillary...
View Articlehow to set two conditions for one boundary condition(vector)?
Hi all, I want to define two conditions for one part of rectangular that I have in 2D (xz) and put two different value of pressure head in one boundary condition, like Hp=0 if z>= - 0.5159m and...
View ArticleViscoelastic fluids
Hi, I need to model a two-phase flow with water and a viscoelastic oil. Are there any in-built viscoelastic models available for fluids (like UCMaxwell, Oldroyd-B, PTT, etc) ? I can find such models...
View ArticleBoundary conditions in the equation-based simulation
Hello, My question is how one can put a boundary condition in the equation-based environment on an internal boundary. To be more presize: assume there are two domains with a common boundary. The...
View ArticleVariable used in Solver Configuration - where to define?
To manually set the Maximum Time Step, I would like to link it to the frequency of a boundary frequency. But I cannot use a variable defined in Global Definitions/Variables or in...
View ArticleExport corrected velocity field data
Hi, My model is a simple single phase fluid flow with the laminar flow module. I need to export the corrected velocities that hold the divergence-free condition. I checked with the solution and...
View ArticleHow can I let a droplet immerse in fluid to stop at a particular time
Dear All, I am working on design a droplet immersing in a liquid in micro channel. I want to stop this droplet in particular point and in the same time applied voltage to draw it down. it would be...
View Articlefull model of a coil spring?
Hello, I'd like to model a coil spring, to include changes in diameter due to compression, and longitudinal and torsional modes. Is this a reasonable task for Comsol, or would it be prohibitively...
View ArticleSet tolerance for continuity - help!
Hello, I've written previously with no success. My model uses the Laminar Flow module to solve the Navier-Stokes equation. One of the equations is a constraint, the continuity equation that states that...
View ArticleHow to plot the S11 plot of the patch antenna
I want to know how to plot the S11 plot for the patch antenna
View ArticleVideo plot
I have designed a patch antenna. I want to change the substrates permeability values from 1 to 100 in multiples of 10 and want to view the plot at once in the form of the video. Please help me, how can...
View ArticleDifferentiation
Hi all, Is it possible to differentiane an expression in variable field itself. I have defined a variable: es.modE = (es.Ex)^2+(es.Ex)^2+(es.Ex)^2 (where es.Ex is x component of electric field etc..)...
View ArticleFrequency domain - mechanical
Hi, I am an electronics student and am trying to simulate the mechanics of a square plate. My plate has the 4 side faces fixed and a uniform distributed load on one of the larger faces. The stress and...
View ArticleCoordinate system change
Hello, I came to situation where I should calculate some integrals rather in cylindrical coordinate system than in normal orthogonal system. However my CAD model has been drawn in normal coordinate...
View ArticleFail to evaluate variable. (material.epsilonr13)
Hello, I would like to calculate the electric field within a chamber with gaseous xenon filled out all the space. In the meanwhile, there is another hollow cylinder inside the chamber which is made up...
View Articlecapturing small rise in temperature
Hi, I have a rectangular block where I have assigned a heat source (W/cm^3). My ambient temperature is 25 deg. First I assigned a high thermal load and recorded the peak temperature. Then I reduced it...
View ArticleAnalytic expression
Dear, I want to write an expression for sine wave which is time dependent. The parameters are the amplitude is 3, duration of the wave is 0.1 milliseconds and the frequency of waves is 150 Hz. I tried...
View ArticleUsing Norton Bailey Law: How to determine the Reference stress
Hello all; Can anyone tell me that what does that mean by "Reference stress" in Creep modeling? How to determine it? Usually, Material constant "A" and "m" are used for creep.
View ArticlePROBLEM with Heat Transfer in Pipes
Hello everybody! I'm using the Heat Transfer in Pipes module for simulating a heat exchanger (with a U layout). While the global results seem to be correct, when I plot the temperature behavior on the...
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