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Compressible Navier-Stokes with Non-newtonian viscosity in PDE module

Hello, I am new to COMSOL and I've been trying to model some incompressible Navier-Stokes system with variable viscosity, a Carreau viscosity to be specific. I have used the CFD module to model this...

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Truss interface - excitation

Hello, Since I read that the truss interface can only sustain axial forces, does anyone know if I could do a frequency domain study and excite a system by a transverse force? thanks, Nicolas T.

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Pressure in Earth crust

Hello, I am trying to model the Earth crust. My model is 50 km * 30 km and in 2D (plane strain). I am using the solid-mechanics physics with linear elastic material. Fora first test, I chose E =...

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Third Harmonic Generation (THG)

Hi, I want to add third harmonic generation in the wave optics module. But I couldnot find. Is it possible to add THG to Comsol. Did you know anyone who can simulate supercontinuum by using COMSOL

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Mie scattering problem, phase-dependent scattering spectra?

Dear all, Thanks in advance for any response. I am following the way provided by model exchangewww.comsol.com/community/exchange/215/ to calculated scattering and absorption spectra of Au nanosphere....

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Error message after compute, modeling CFD of equipment in tunnel, advice? [CM...

Hi, I'm a very very beginner in using COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4, I've never used it before, but I've done some tutorials from the installer. Now I'm trying to compute this model (can be seen attached,...

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physics builder linking user defined material property to variable

Hello, I am building a transverse thermoelectric package in the physics builder. I want to use a user defined material property as variable. I add the material property to the Thermoelectric Model...

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revision control

Every time you create a model there are different versions that correct errors or improve performance/accuracy etc... Is there a way to keep track of these changes? So far, what I've done is to name...

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Is insertion possible?

Hi all: I have simple question: I'm modeling a probe made of silicon inserting into a viscoelastic material that is supposed to be the brain. My boss wants me to confirm that this simulation is indeed...

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How can I export an eps image (vector graphics)?

Hello, I would like to export an image of the model geometry as an .eps file (vector graphics). I could not find how to do that and it seems that the only options are jpg, png and bmp. Thank you.

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Finding a mapping of Current Density (variable J) using the Electrostatics...

Hi everyone, I'm making a model using the Electrostatics Interface from within the limited AC/DC Module included with the base COMSOL Multiphysics package. Initially, I tried making my model using the...

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geometrical optics

hello, I need to plan a system that include a parabolic mirror. I'm OK with the parabola's geometric , but don't know how to define it as a mirror. I mean how making that an incoming plane wave...

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Boundary not applicable

Hi., I am using COMSOL 4.4 for pressure acoustics Simulation. I have Problem in defining the boundaries. I imported the model from CATIA and capped the inlet and outlet for defining the boundaries but...

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Fail to evaluate variable. (material.epsilonr13)

Hello, I would like to calculate the electric field within a chamber with gaseous xenon filled out all the space. In the meanwhile, there is another hollow cylinder inside the chamber which is made up...

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Smaller element size caused problem in Acoustic-Shell Interaction

I found an interesting result from COMSOL 4.4 Acoustic-Shell Interaction. Let me describe it here: I have a 1 square meter cubic whose all 6 walls were set to Sound Hard Boundary except a A2 size...

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Directional Coupler

I am trying to model a directional coupler in 2D. I get the following error Undefined value found. - Detail: Undefined value found in the equation residual vector. There are 1 degrees of freedom giving...

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Hi, I wonder how to set the solvers.

Hi, I got the mail box following Error: Failed to find a solution: Maximum number of Newton iterations reached. Returned solution has not converged. So I wonder what the set of solver is suitable. This...

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Laser Heat transfer

I want to add a frequency and wavelength to my following problem and also i want to add a laser heat source whose temperature is approximately 10000k. I am unable to find where to add frequency and...

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Fixed Beam Deflection

Hi, I have a circular beam fixed at both ends using "Beam" physics and "Stationary" study. By applying an edge load on the beam I would expect to observe a deflection of the beam. In contrast only the...

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Help needed with Coefficient of variation calculation in comsol

Hello, I need help with a project I'm working on. I have microfluidic mixer and I would like to evaluate its mixing quality. In order to visualize what is happening inside the mixer I had used the...

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