scattering of a sphere and compared to analytical solution
Hi everyone I was trying to work on the model which appears in the Model Gallery "Acoustic Scattering Off an Ellipsoid Model ID: 12417" to describe the scattering of a solid sphere, but I got some...
View Article"Matlab function is not found" error in MATLAB livelink
I am using MATLAB livelink for a heat transfer problem. I am trying to define a function for density of the material used in my model. I use the following commands in MATLAB to make the function. I...
View ArticleResult>>Derived Values
Hi, I try to find the model's normal stress by using Result>>Derived Values section. Attached model shows what I had done. I want to find the normal pressure at the inner surface. Since I expand...
View ArticlePiezoelectric MEMS Energy Harvester
Hi, I'm using COMSOL MEMS Module and trying to compute eigen frequency and frequency response of the MEMS energy harvester design. My design have non-linear cantilever clamped at both ends and proof...
View ArticleMissing linearised Navier-Stocks module in aeroacoustics.
I reinstall the COMSOL 4.4 (with update 1), and can not find the linearised NS module in the aeroacoustics any more. I can also find the user guide of this module in the help file. (See attachment). I...
View ArticleQuad Meshing
Hi, Can somebody teach me how to do quad meshing on the attached model? I tried to use mapping but since there are boundaries which are bounded by only 3 edges, making mapping not applicable at all...
View Articlestratification
Hi everyone! Let's picture three objects densely pressed to each other. First object is heated, the other one is cooled, and the third is in between. Certain temperatures cause a gap between objects...
View ArticleHeat exchanger
Hi I have a question regarding modeling an air-air heat exchanger I hope you can help me with. I have a serpentine flow pipes and a box for the air forced convection. I started with a very simple...
View ArticleSemiconductor module
Hello everyone, My comsol 4.4 latest version doesn't have semiconductor module.How can i install this module into it?Please give me suggestions Thanks, Bhanu
View ArticleMixer evaluation with particle tracing
Hello, I need help with a project I'm working on. I have microfluidic mixer and I would like to evaluate its mixing quality. In order to visualize what is happening inside the mixer I had used the...
View Articlenonlinear optic effect
Hi! I'm trying to simulate the nonlinear optic effect in wave propagation. As a result, my refractive index = n_o+n_2*(I). Because intensity I varies, I get a inhomogenous refractive index in the 2D...
View Articlemie scattering off gold nanoparticle in water
Hi. I have been calculating the absorption and scattering cross section from a gold nanoparticle in air correctly using the example in the model However...
View Articlemodeling of turbulent flow in pipe and annulus. (pipe has porous wall)
Hi, I am trying to model turbulent flow in a pipe and annulus and find the pressure and velocity distributions. The flow is going to the pipe and is coming back from the annulus. The pipe has porous...
View ArticleUse a solution of a very similar problem as initial values...
Dear all, I am generating a phononic band diagram of a photonic crystal (mechanics-analogy to photonic bands...) by sweeping the bloch-floquet k vector from Matlab (i.e. a boundary condition - but in...
View ArticleHow to set classpath from GUI
Hello, I have created a library of java code to make complex tasks, and I would like to use other libraries from within this code, which are only available in .jar format. When I run my .class file...
View ArticleMatlab LiveLink - Get Max VanMises Stress
Hi, i'm working on an optimisation using a genetic algorithm (matlab) for model generation and comsol multiphysics for solving the fe model (Solid Mechanic with prescribed displacement). I know how to...
View ArticleLumped Port S-parameters > 1 w/circuit interface @ port
Good day, This is a problem I have been dealing with for a while. I have a fairly basic setup involving 2 coupled antenna. I have extracted my desired S-parameters from my system in question, and have...
View Articlerigid solid 2D axisymmetric
I have created a 2D axisymmetric and I want to make one of the elements a rigid solid. However I cannot find the option in the right-click menu of the physics node. It usually is in domains in a 3D...
View Articleevaluate material property in matlab livelink
Dear comsolers, How can I get a value of material property in matlab livelink? For example, material like 'air' is added from the material library. Some of material parameters are defined like:...
View ArticleLaminar flow of Carreau fluid with variable density
Hello, I am using the Laminar flow physics together with the Carreau fluid properties and I was trying to write a formula for the density as a function of pressure 'p'. From my experimental data I have...
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