I have a 2D directional coupler attached in this message. I know a directional coupler is analyzed using a boundary mode analysis but I don't understand why we do what we do in it. (Evaluate boundary modes for 4 modes and then use highest and third highest mode for each boundary analysis)
I just wanted to ask if you have some kind of white paper which could explain what exactly goes on in this analysis method?
Also is there any other way to do this?Like finite difference time domain method(FDTD).
Please let me know if you could provide documents which support the current method used in the directional coupler below to calculate the electric field.
I cleared all the results so that I could obtain a file smaller than 25Mb. Compute this model again and you'll obtain the results I see.
Here's the link of directional coupler guide provided by COMSOL
I just wanted to ask if you have some kind of white paper which could explain what exactly goes on in this analysis method?
Also is there any other way to do this?Like finite difference time domain method(FDTD).
Please let me know if you could provide documents which support the current method used in the directional coupler below to calculate the electric field.
I cleared all the results so that I could obtain a file smaller than 25Mb. Compute this model again and you'll obtain the results I see.
Here's the link of directional coupler guide provided by COMSOL