I want to run a geometry parametric sweep.
Consider the following geometry sweep parameters:
H range(20[mm],10[mm],60[mm])
Z range(0[mm],10[mm],20[mm]+H)
The idea is that Z maximum value is against the height H of the object in the current nested iteration of Z against H.
In the first round (H=20) maximum Z will be 20+H=40. When first round of Z sweep finishes, H will become 30 and the maximum Z will be 50[mm].
This is not happening and ComSol is using the H global defined parameter.
Is it possible to force ComSol to use in the Z parameter sweep range the H value as calculated in the for the current parameter sweep step?
A simple code for that will be
for (H=1 to N)
for (Z= 1 to H)
next Z
next H
Thank you,
I want to run a geometry parametric sweep.
Consider the following geometry sweep parameters:
H range(20[mm],10[mm],60[mm])
Z range(0[mm],10[mm],20[mm]+H)
The idea is that Z maximum value is against the height H of the object in the current nested iteration of Z against H.
In the first round (H=20) maximum Z will be 20+H=40. When first round of Z sweep finishes, H will become 30 and the maximum Z will be 50[mm].
This is not happening and ComSol is using the H global defined parameter.
Is it possible to force ComSol to use in the Z parameter sweep range the H value as calculated in the for the current parameter sweep step?
A simple code for that will be
for (H=1 to N)
for (Z= 1 to H)
next Z
next H
Thank you,