I am trying to model the confinement of a cloud of electrons in the center of a spherical axisymetric system. The electrons are confined by an electric potential. I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for how to best approach this. I'm new to COMSOL, so I'm not too familiar with the limitations of the different modules.
I initially attempted to use the Drift Diffusion module, but I have been running into problems with it. Since I am modeling electrons without ions, would this module be appropriate? In this simulation, I am trying to find the steady state electron density distribution starting with virtually no electrons, and a constant electron production rate in the center. I want all electrons hitting the outer boundary to leave the system, but when I run this the electron density continues increasing indefinitely. I tried using the wall, electron outlet, and flux boundary conditions, but none of them seem to be working.
I am now attempting to use the Charged Particle Tracing module. Without using an electric force, this simulation takes < 30 seconds to run to 0.1 ms. I ran the simulation for 3 days with this force enabled, and it only got to 2.7e-4 seconds. I will probably need to run this simulation to 1 ms, which would obviously take longer. Should the computation be taking this long? Also, I want to consider the interactions between the electrons. Would it make sense to multiply the particle mass and charge number by a constant, since I want to consider many more electrons than the number of particles that can be simulated?
Any insight for which of these approaches sounds more appropriate would be appreciated.