I would like to use Comsol for a microfluidics project I'm working on. As this is my first time working with Comsol I am trying to simulate a simple problem to compare the simulation with analytical results.
The Hagen-Poiseuille flow problem is a solution to a simple fluidic problem, the flow of a liquid through a circular tube. More infor here:
I've set up the simulation as follows:
The geometry is 2D axisymmetric (radius is 15, length is 800)
The material is water
The physics is laminar flow (spf)
I use incompressible flow as my physical model
And define the inlet and outlet
The inlet pressure is 100 Pa, the outlet pressure is 0 Pa
The mesh is 'physics controlled' and normal
I run the simulation and to obtain the flow rate I apply a surface integration spf.U with Dataset 'solution 1'.
The result for this particular simulation is: flow rate = 5.593e-11 M3/s
The problem is that the analytical result is different. I've put it in Matlab to make sure it isn't me. The result is a factor of 22 too high.
r = 15e-6; % radius
dP = 100; % Pressure
Nu = 0.001; % viscosity
L = 800e-6; % Length
Fr = (pi*r^4*dP)/(8*Nu*L) % Hagen-Poseiulle equation for flow rate
Fr = 2.4850e-012 M3/s
I've triple checked these results but I cannot find why they don't match up. A factor 22 indicates that something's wrong, either on the theory side, or on the simulation side. Because I've just started with Comsol I would like to ask anyone to look over this model and see if something is evidently wrong. If anyone can give me suggestions why the analytical model is not correct I would like to hear it as well.
Thanks in advance