Corrosion modelling
My model disappears in comsol when i click results, why it is happening?
View Articlebatch mode run time limitation
Hello everyone, I have a set of models that I want to run in a .bat file as follows:"C:\Program Files\COMSOL\COMSOL44\bin\win64\comsolbatch" -inputfile D:\temp\test1.mph "C:\Program...
View ArticleDifference between defining one weak contribution at several points or...
Hi Comsol community, I would like to introduce point sources in equation based simulation. In the simulations the PDE of the system is defined with the help of the weak form. Now I would like to...
View ArticleScattering from particles
Hi, I'm working to an optical filter composed of nano-particles of polystyrene in a matrix of silicon. I would like to see how the particles (actually the whole structure ) scatter an incident electric...
View ArticleSimulation of field distribution through subwavelength holes in gold/silver...
Hello all, I'm new to COMSOL and FEM and I very much in need of help. I need to simulate the 3D fields distribution in a ~250nm triangular hole in a silver/gold layer illuminated by a plane-wave or a...
hello everyone, I'm doing my final project "co nstruction of GTEM cell"min thst I made pyramids as main body and absorbers.I had given mesh free triangular I got 2 warnings 1. "Edge is much shorter...
View Articlefailed to find a solution when coupling heat transfer with fluids dynamic!!
Hi everyone I'm trying to model a transformer using multiphysic (thermal, fluid dynamic) modeling on Comsol. when using only the thermal modeling, (only using heat transfer physics) the program is...
Hi guys, I have a tank containing oxygen in the left side and hydrogen in the right side and the interface separates the 2 gases initially and they are not mixed together. The initial conditions: 0...
View Articlebeam vibration by a shaker
Hello, eneryone. I am doing a project simulating a simple beam structure vibrated by a shaker. The left end of the beam is fixed with the shaker. If I want to set the beam vibration acceleration at 10...
View Articlesimulating a moving body in a flowing field
hello, I need to simulate flowing compressible or incompressible fluid in a circular pipe, containing two solid bodies moving by the drag force deduced by the fluid. The diameter of the bodies is the...
View Articlescattering of a sphere and compared to analytical solution
Hi everyone I was trying to work on the model which appears in the Model Gallery "Acoustic Scattering Off an Ellipsoid Model ID: 12417" to describe the scattering of a solid sphere, but I got some...
View ArticlePML width for Longer wavelength
I generally use the wavelength(in case of shorter wavelength)as the starting PML width. This does not create a large geometry to solve, saving some memory. But, my recent models have longer...
View ArticleFrequency Dependent Permitivity.
HI Comsol Users I am trying to model the e-filed lines expected for a PbTiO3 crystal with electrodes on top and bottom to which I apply a voltage to the top one and leave the bottom one grounded.. I...
View ArticleThermoelastic damping in MEMS resonators
Dear all, I'm using Comsol to simulate a mems resonator. I want to model thermoelastic damping in the resonator. When I use anisotronic material for my model, I got errors. But when I tried to simulate...
View Articlehow to apply a magnetic field and see the magnetostriction in the...
Dear all, I have a sphere of Terfenol-D in air as you know Terfenol-D is a magnetostrictive material, so when you apply a magnetic field its changes its shape. I want to model this thing in COMSOL that...
View ArticleExtremely high local stress maxima in static analyses
Hi, i'm experiencing a problem with a quite simple static analysis in comsol multiphysics. In attachement 1 you can see the geometry of the model, which consists of two plates (aluminium) that are only...
View ArticleModeling piezoelectric with a non-piezoelectric material
Good morning. I'm trying to model the mechanical behavior of a piezoelectric material on top of a non-piezoelectric material. Because the bottom material is non-piezoelectric, COMSOL does now allow me...
View ArticleRadiative de-excitation in a plasma
Hello, I am using the plasma module and wanted to include radiative de-excitation reactions. For example, I want to include the transition from N2C to N2B with a wavelength of 337.1 nm. I know that...
View ArticleSolid/mesh interaction
Hi, Is it possible to have an interaction between an imported mesh and a solid geometry. Because when I do so, whenever I want to define the subdomain settings, I always get the "faces are too closed"...
View ArticleGaussian beam
Did anyone use a Gaussian beam in a 3D scattering model? I pretty sure I got the expression right because when I run this in a 2D case it works, but in 3D the solver can't compute the derivatives and...
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