hello I am working on design of photonic crystal fiber with Comsol using RF(mode analysis). I am using comsol with MATLAB. when I use loop in matlab to change the geometry to find the solution for each...
View ArticleOscillation of an air bubble in microfluidic channel
Hello, I am currently trying to simulate oscillation of an air bubble inside a microfludic channel, using pressure acoustics study. More specifically, I would like to observe displacement of an...
View ArticleHow can we use Poroelastic Wave Interface to simulate waves in partially...
Hello everyone, I have a question here: How can we use the Poroelastic Wave Interface to simulate wave propagation in partially saturated porous media in COMSOL Multiphysics ? Biot's theory is...
View ArticleRogowski Coil
hi, i am a beginner in Comsol, so i need a help in the construction of the Rogowski Coil on Comsol.
View ArticleEvaluate parameter value in MATLAB
Hi, If I have a parameter, e.g.:>> model.param.set('outer_z', '((volume*formfactor^2)/(2*pi))^(1/3)'); How can I in the easiest way evaluate the value of this parameter (like the 'Value'-column...
View ArticleFrequency domain - mechanical
Hi, I am an electronics student and am trying to simulate the mechanics of a square plate. My plate has the 4 side faces fixed and a uniform distributed load on one of the larger faces. The stress and...
View ArticleCantilever beam fracture
Hi Everybody I have a question regarding analysis of deflection of the cantilever beam. As it is clear, If I apply a small force on tip of the cantilever it will deflect. However in simulation I don't...
View ArticleFail to evaluate variable. (material.epsilonr13)
Hello, I would like to calculate the electric field within a chamber with gaseous xenon filled out all the space. In the meanwhile, there is another hollow cylinder inside the chamber which is made up...
View ArticleThermoelastic damping
Hello everyone, COMSOL has a solved model for calculating thermoelastic damping, but it only works at resonance frequencies. Is there a way by which the example can be used for obtaining thermoelastic...
View ArticleBending curvature of beam
Hello, I have a problem when doing a simulation with a beam bending. I want to apply the specific radius of curvature to beam. How to solve the problem by using the boundary condition?
View ArticleHow to put friction in non newtonian fluid?
Hellow, I really wonder the method to use friction function in 3D. But i couldn't find it... already i did the simulation of friction in 2D. even if the modelings of 2D and 3D are same, results are...
View ArticleError in multiphysics compilation
Sir, Im doing heat transfer module.But yet now i cant get the proper result.when i execute my model it may shown like this (Internal error: cannot convert ElemStruct to int. - Value: d7).Sir may i know...
View ArticleHow to open a model file without opening the solution
Hi colleagues, does anyone have a hint on the following: Sometimes the Comsol files grow very large if you store them including the solution. Later on you might need some of the settings inside and you...
View Articlehow to write pressure head for one boundary domain
Hi all, I am new to COMSOL working with 3.4, and I want to write pressure head for one line with two conditions. Is there any example or tutorials for this section? my problem is how to say that from...
View Articlecapturing small rise in temperature
Hi, I have a rectangular block where I have assigned a heat source (W/cm^3). My ambient temperature is 25 deg. First I assigned a high thermal load and recorded the peak temperature. Then I reduced it...
View ArticlePML Reflections of a 3D Gaussian Beam
Hello, I'm trying to model a Gaussian beam of 845nm wavelength in a simple air domain with a spherical PML. However, before I continue with my model, the PML doesn't seem to be absorbing the beam...
View ArticleInfinite Elements and Magnetic Fields
The end goal that I have is to produce a magnetic field map for a superconducting magnet. In my first attempt, I tried to model the magnet coil packages (there are 11 of them) and the result was...
View ArticleCannot model losses in RF module
Hi I've been trying to model a lossy dielectric in the RF module, using the transient electromagnetic waves interface. However, if I set the model to be based on the refractive index, COMSOL appears to...
View ArticleBoundary Integration in a Parametric Sweep
Hey all, I am running a parametric sweep solver across several values for a single constant and I need to be able to output the total force per area on a circle composed of 4 boundaries for each...
View ArticleAC analysis
Hi everybody! I want to calculate the impedance of the three-dimensional objects (simple cub). I go to AC/DC Module - Quasi-Statics, Electric - Electric Currents - Time-harmonic analysis. Then draw the...
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