Unrealistic results in Elasto-Plastic analysis: Thermal Stress Problem
I am modeling a Thermal stress analysis of 3D wire wherein Temperature field (x,y,z) was imposed by using Interpolation function (imported a .txt file). It is simply an Elastic-Plastic analysis....
View ArticleGeneralized alpha settings
Hello everyone Can someone indicate me the different settings for the "maximum time step" and "time step increase delay" when choosing the generalized alpha tims solver? For example, I'd like to have a...
View Articlehow to couple a capacitor from CIR to a piezoelectric module model?
how to a couple a capacitor from electrical circuit model to a piezoelectric device from the piezoelectric module in order to analyze the charge characteristics of the piezoelectric device? thank you
View ArticleExport Data - Beam2D
Hello, I have made a model using the Beam 2D element, and on the "Export-->Data->Expressions" I can not find the structure characteristics i.e. velocity, displacement etc. It is an eigenfrequency...
View ArticleModel BH-curves with remanent flux density at H=0
Hello, I make some studies to determine the magnetic properties of metals and have to take in account a small remanent magntic flux density B. I defined a sample material with a known BH-curve and at...
View ArticleConvergence in convective heat transfer
Hi there, I am trying to replicate the model of a published paper about the performances of horizontal micro-fins in natural convection (Mahmoud et al. (2011). Effect of micro fin geometry on natural...
View Articlehelp needed: magnetic force calculation
Hi, I tried to use COMSOL 4.4 to model the magnetic field surrounding a permanent magnet and calculate the force acting on an object nearby. ( in 3D case ) The geometry is simple, a block ( the...
View ArticleDisk error while reading from temporary solution files
Hi, version: Comsol when i was making a plot, the following error warning displayed: " Disk error while reading from temporary solution files". But if i transformed the expression from...
View ArticleMoving mesh example
Hi, Is there any example of using moving mesh with a pdf guideline? I need to model a moving magnet next to a coil and calculate the induced voltage!
View ArticleHow to solve 6 Coupled Mode Non linear Partial Differential Equation
I am having 6 variables Ap_plus, Ap_minus, As_plus, As_minus, Q_plus, Q_minus Equations are in attached pdf variables have dependency of both time and space. I have tried pdepe Matlab but having...
View Articlediffusion of ions in wood
Hi I am very new to this COMSOL software. I have a licensed version of 4.1 installed in my computer. I need to start model the diffusion of ions in wood. Can some of you please provide suggestions on...
View ArticleMeasure the tissue death
Hello, I am trying to used a first order Arrhenius model to measure the tissue death in tumor ablation using Radiofrequency ablation technique in COMSOL. I have done the following steps: 1. change the...
View ArticlePut if condition to stop simulation
Hi, May somebody can help with following question: How can I put if statement to stop simulation iterations? for example I am running conjugate heat transfer I would like to stop simulation when the...
View ArticleConjugate heat transfer - Heat transfer in solid, from solid to fluid and...
Hi there, I am trying to simulate heat transfer in solids due to external heat source and heat transfer between solid and liquid and viceversa. When I used the Conjugate heat transfer I get to see only...
View ArticleOscillation of an air bubble in microfluidic channel
Hello, I am currently trying to simulate oscillation of an air bubble inside a microfludic channel, using pressure acoustics study. More specifically, I would like to observe displacement of an...
View Articleerror, failed to evaluate expression, about the expression of the mathmatic
hello everyone! i am doing something about induction heating in 3D. In the node Heat flux i gave the "General in ward heat flux" q0 a equation: 1.86*(293.15-T)^1.3 But the Simulation returned a error...
View ArticleUsing AC/DC module to submodule conductive media DC
Please help to operate, i am using Comsol Multiphysics 3.5 and i want to simulation about conductivity in a geometry. So, i want to asked how to set submodule conductive media DC if i want to get...
View Articlehow to define current in the excitation coil and what is the rise time of a...
hi sir, when i excite the coil with current, it is showing that unexpected input. i have mentioned figure how to excite, can you see it once and help me, how to define excitation current.
View ArticleHow to apply magnetic field in model and get the force applied by the...
Dear I am modeling a simple model of two cubes. in which there are two cubes, one is of Silica toroid and other is magnetostrictive material Terfenol-D ( in which the volume of material is changed by...
View ArticleLoudspeaker Driver - damping
Hi, I have noticed that for spider and suspension the Rayleigh damping is specified. The beta parameter is specified as a ratio of certain coefficient (0.14 for spider and 0.46 for suspension) and...
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