Simulation problems concerning Invisibility Cloak
Hi, i have a simple question regarding the components in the elasticity matrix D in solid mecanics module. Is there any way to define different components for positions 1212 & 2121 in the matrix or...
View ArticleVibrations: Eigen Frequency Analysis
I understand that Eigenvalue=(Eigenfrequency)^2 , where eigenfrequency is is in Rad/second i.e angular velocity. To get cyclic frequency we divide eigenfrequency by 2 PI i.e. f (Hz)= eigenfrequency/2...
View ArticleError in eigenfrequency study
Hi, I am trying to run a vibration analysis on a part. I used the Solid mechanics module and the Eigenfrequency study. I specified the boundary condition, the loading and the material. But when i...
View Articleerro:last time step not converged.
hi....i'm doing transient analysis to get thermal response of microbolometer using "electrothermal interaction". model consists of 3 thin layers of sensing membrane, insulating membrane and substrate....
View ArticleFind nodal values
Hi, I would like to find a way to exploit and export nodal values (from the nodes of my mesh) from my results to obtain the exact nodal values (like table data or plot data) and not an interpolation of...
View ArticleHow can I get the 2D relative displacement graph
Hello, I am trying to calculate the eigen-frequencies of a 2D circular plane using the solid mechanics --> eigenfrequencies module. When I plot the displacement in 2D, the graph appears to only show...
View Articledefine a piecewise function (z) with a variable limit (t)
Hi, If I want to run a time dependent study and the boundary condition is a function of both space dimension and time, as following: F=z if 0<z<1*t F=1*t if 1*t<z how do I make it? Thanks....
View ArticleInterrupting Parametric sweep without loosing results
Hi, i'm running a large parametric sweep which turned out to dramatically slow down during the last few combinations. My machine has been crunching for days now and i'm wondering if there's a way to...
View ArticleCoupling Optical Modes and Elastic Modes
Hello, I am trying to find the effects of elastic modes (vibrations) on optical modes in a SMF28 optical fiber in 2D. I am using the solid mechanics model to first calculate the eigenfrequencies of the...
View ArticleTime dependent study with Transportation of Diluted Species in COMSOL
Dear All, I am simulating transportation of target molecule to bind with probe molecule in a particular spot in flow system. I can see the increasing of the concentration of complex occurring from...
View Articletotal flux condition
Hi everybody, Does anybody how to introduce the Robin condition (total flux condition) for the chemical species transport module? Thanks, Joana.
View Articletotal flux condition
Hi everybody, Does anybody know how to introduce the Robin condition (total flux condition) for the chemical species transport module? Thanks, Joana.
View Articlewhat is value of "relative permittivity" for gold (au) and aluminum (al) ???
any buddy help me to tell what value should make appropriate result in actuator of relative permittivity - au ____?? relative permittivity - al ____??
View ArticlePulse input Rectangular Waveguide
Hi everyone, Is it possible in comsol to give a pulse shape input to a port of rectangular waveguide as a power source.? Actually I want to heat a certain material inside a rectangular waveguide for...
View ArticleNatural Convection in simple 2D geometries not converging (despite several...
I am trying to use comsol 4.4 to solve natural convection problems in 3 very simple geometries (cavities). I have considered two flat geometries and a cylindrical geometry. One causes no problems to...
View ArticleProblem Modeling Radiation
I am currently trying to model a surface to surface radiation problem to see the change in view factor between two geometries; however, I first attempted a very simple control case. The case was just...
View ArticleError:"Variables property does not include all degrees of freedom in xmesh".
Hello, I have tried to simulate two groups of cylinder permanent magnets and try to calculate the magnetic forces. I use Swept mesh for the magnets and Free Quad for the air (which I use a big sphere)...
View ArticleCoupling vector fields from 2D axisymmetric models to 3D models
Hello everyone! I want to do a simple transformation of a vector field between 2D axisymmetric and 3D models. I determine the vector field first by means of a 2D axisymmetric model in the complete...
View ArticleForce required to constrain bending
Hi, suppose I have a tube fixed at each end. COMSOL can compute the sag of that due to gravity. No problem. But suppose that sag is constrained - the sagging tube has reached the floor and can sag no...
View Articleout of memory in stationery solver
hi, I designed a MEMS piezoelectric accelerometer and trying to simulate in comsol. I am getting the error every time I compute " out of memory in stationary solver"... Please help me to solve it......
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