How to define a mixture of two miscible liquids at the inlet?
Hello, I have a question about how to define a mixture of two miscible liquids (for instance water and ethanol) at the inlet. My 2D geometry is as follows: I have two parallel rectangles (representing...
View Article2D Marangoni Effect due to Evaporation of Solute
Dear Community, I am trying to solve Marangoni effect due to evaporation of solute. I have closely followed the model example in which the Marangoni effect is due to the thermal gradients. Here is what...
View Articlemesh
oh.. hay.. I am a new person to learn about software COMSOL. There are parameters that I have not know its function. Here I use the option for 3D dimension space by using module AC / DC-static,...
View ArticleBoundary condition setting problem for electrode
Hi! I am using transport of diluted species to simulate particle movement in discharge but have some problems with the boundary condition setting for the electrode: the electron move towards the...
View ArticleThermal stress for piezoelectric material
Can anyone tell me that how can i apply thermal stress to piezoelectric material so that I can couple heat transfer and Piezoelectric Devices?
View ArticleCell constant of an irregular shaped object
Dear all, Is there a way to calculate the cell constant of an irregular shaped object using COMSOL? Thanks, Daniel
View ArticleGaussian Distribution of Particle Size
Hi folks, does anyone know if it's possible to use a Gaussian Distribution of Particle Size function for the particle diameter in the Mixture Model interface? If so, can you provide an example? Best...
View Articlex and y polarization calculation
Hi all, I am doing Photonic Crystal Fiber project. I want to analyze the birefringence, for that how can I calculate the the effective indexes in x and y polarization method? I think it is with post...
View ArticlePlacing a finite element model into an electrical circuit in COMSOL 4.1
Hello, I have recently made the switch from COMSOL 3.5a to COMSOL 4.1, and I am currently unable to do things that I used to be able to do very easily, namely placing my 3-D model (drawn and defined in...
View ArticleTerminal charge in the electrostatic simulation
I am working on a 2-D electrostatic simulation now. I was confused on the derived valuse of terminal charge. As we can get the line integration terminal charge (es.nD) with the unit C/m or the line...
View Articlemie scattering off gold nanoparticle in water
Hi. I have been calculating the absorption and scattering cross section from a gold nanoparticle in air correctly using the example in the model However...
View ArticleUsing simulated potential to simulate magnetic field.
I have a simple 5 domain model, composed of roughly concentric spheres. I am modeling a transmembrane potential on the 3rd domain using the General Form PDE physics. This part is working correctly. I...
View ArticleAC/DC Capacitance
Dear all, I have encountered a problem when solving capacitance in electrostatic model. I compute a simple parallel plate capacitance. I choose the upper plate as terminal, and set the voltage as 1V....
View ArticleHow to set classpath from GUI
Hello, I have created a library of java code to make complex tasks, and I would like to use other libraries from within this code, which are only available in .jar format. When I run my .class file...
View Articlemodification of superconducting_wire
I've created a modification of "superconducting_wire" from model library (AC/DC Module --> Other Industrial Applications) with two superconducting cores. It works properly, but when I try to...
View ArticleCAD import via Livelink for Inventor: object misalignment
Hi, I'm having a problem using the Livelink for Inventor in COMSOL 4.2.a. I have a CAD design which consists of several parts: - An outer structure - A number of flat electrodes inside this structure....
View ArticleDC resistivity modeling
Hi, I want to use COMSOL to model resistivity (geophysics). (Electrical Resistivity Tomography, ERT) I have a number of cells (side by side, creating a square of cells in both x and y direction), which...
View Articlehow can i print pdf doc
Hello using my spare time to start learning 4.0, I ran into a basic and unexpected difficulty: I tried to print portion of the pdf doc for off screen reading.. [ I have the 3.5 book but 4.0, as an...
View ArticleProblem running COMSOL 4.0a with MATLAB
Hi all, having studied the manual, I can't get the LiveLink for MATLAB functioning. I use Windows and MATLAB R2010a. At my university the preferred way is to first start a COMSOL server and then start...
View ArticleRe-ordering of null vectors failed?
Hi, I'm wondering if anyone knows what "Re-ordering of null vectors failed" mean. I'm doing light propagates through a patterned nanostructure with periodic boundary condition, where the light has an...
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