I have a boundary condition: Boundary Temperature varies as: 293.15[K] + sin(t/100[s]) * 1[K]
The Time Dependend Solver generates a time series beginning with
0,1,10,20,40,80,160,320,640,1280 ...
where the last time step obviously severely surpaces the Nyquist frequency limitation.
So it seems I have to set a limit for time steps manually.
How will I have to do that?
I attach a screen-shot of the problem
The Time Dependend Solver generates a time series beginning with
0,1,10,20,40,80,160,320,640,1280 ...
where the last time step obviously severely surpaces the Nyquist frequency limitation.
So it seems I have to set a limit for time steps manually.
How will I have to do that?
I attach a screen-shot of the problem