Hi all, now I'm trying to demonstrate a particle sieve using the particle tracing module.
I expected that the particles bigger than the pore size of the sieve could be filtered and stuck on the sieve surface.
But it seems that the particle tracing module cannot demonstrate such effect because every particle can pass through the pores even which are much smaller than those particles!
Do you think that I have to set up a sort of force equation or "if-condition" which can describe the sieve effect by the size difference??
I expected that the particles bigger than the pore size of the sieve could be filtered and stuck on the sieve surface.
But it seems that the particle tracing module cannot demonstrate such effect because every particle can pass through the pores even which are much smaller than those particles!
Do you think that I have to set up a sort of force equation or "if-condition" which can describe the sieve effect by the size difference??