I have a square, centered in (0,0).
After running my simulation, I get the value of the Magnetic Field all over the square.
I run a Parametric Sweep. In order to compare my results, I want to plot the "normalized mf.Bx", I mean, I want to plot the magnetic field x-component along the x-Axis divided by its value at the center of the square.
I have a 1D Line Plot and I would like to plot (as y-Axis data) Bx/Bx(0,0) as a function of x.
I tried to write, as expression:
- mf.Bx/mf.Bx(0,0)
- mf.Bx/ppb1 (where ppb1 is a Domain Point Probe placed in (0,0) )
- mf.Bx/MAX (where MAX is a global variable: MAX = mf.Bx(0,0) )
- mf.Bx/MAX2 (where MAX2 is a model variable: MAX2 = mf.Bx(0,0) )
- mf.Bx/MAX (where MAX is a global variable: MAX = ppb1)
- NORM (where NORM is a variable: NORM = mf.Bx/mf.Bx(0,0) )
but no one worked.
Any suggestion to solve this problem?
After running my simulation, I get the value of the Magnetic Field all over the square.
I run a Parametric Sweep. In order to compare my results, I want to plot the "normalized mf.Bx", I mean, I want to plot the magnetic field x-component along the x-Axis divided by its value at the center of the square.
I have a 1D Line Plot and I would like to plot (as y-Axis data) Bx/Bx(0,0) as a function of x.
I tried to write, as expression:
- mf.Bx/mf.Bx(0,0)
- mf.Bx/ppb1 (where ppb1 is a Domain Point Probe placed in (0,0) )
- mf.Bx/MAX (where MAX is a global variable: MAX = mf.Bx(0,0) )
- mf.Bx/MAX2 (where MAX2 is a model variable: MAX2 = mf.Bx(0,0) )
- mf.Bx/MAX (where MAX is a global variable: MAX = ppb1)
- NORM (where NORM is a variable: NORM = mf.Bx/mf.Bx(0,0) )
but no one worked.
Any suggestion to solve this problem?