I am doing a simulation of free space with circular polarization in time doamin.
I am using Comsol 4.1.
I read through some comment of previous discussions.
It looks like people are suggesting to do circular polarization by using two orthogonal electric fields with pi/2 phase delay, but in frequency domain and by using periodic boundary conditions for side boundaries and scattering for front and back..
This is my problem:
In Transient Electromagnetic Waves (temw) , I use periodic boundary conditions for side boundaries, and for front and back I am using scattering boundary conditions. Then I put Ex= cos(2*pi*f*t + pi/2) and Ey= cos(2*pi*f*t) as my source in one of scattering boundaries in 'Incident electric field' option under 'Wave given by' , where f is the frequency.
I am also using these time intervals t_start= 0, t_end= 20*T, time step= T/100. (20*T is large enough such that the wave should be able to travel whole length of free space of my model) where T is I/f. I should say that I also tried Ex= cos(2*pi*f*t + pi/2-k*z) and Ey= cos(2*pi*f*t-k*z) as the source definition.
I see that the electric field vectors are kind of circulating but the frequency does not look like right:
I placed two slices (plane probes) which are one wavelength far away from each other. But the electric filed does not circulate in phase on these slides which means the wavelength or frequency of the source is not right.
I did same simulation with linear polarization source either, but I have the wrong frequency problem still through checking the electric filed vectors one wavelength away from each other.
Now, I do not know what the problem is. Am I defining the circular polarization source wrong or is there any relationship between time steps and frequency and mesh?
To make sure about the frequency. I used this method of simulation for a resonating structure at its resonance frequency, but because the frequency is wrong, I did not see any expected result.
I appreciate if somebody which has this kind of experience could help me ?
I attached my file either in case.
I am doing a simulation of free space with circular polarization in time doamin.
I am using Comsol 4.1.
I read through some comment of previous discussions.
It looks like people are suggesting to do circular polarization by using two orthogonal electric fields with pi/2 phase delay, but in frequency domain and by using periodic boundary conditions for side boundaries and scattering for front and back..
This is my problem:
In Transient Electromagnetic Waves (temw) , I use periodic boundary conditions for side boundaries, and for front and back I am using scattering boundary conditions. Then I put Ex= cos(2*pi*f*t + pi/2) and Ey= cos(2*pi*f*t) as my source in one of scattering boundaries in 'Incident electric field' option under 'Wave given by' , where f is the frequency.
I am also using these time intervals t_start= 0, t_end= 20*T, time step= T/100. (20*T is large enough such that the wave should be able to travel whole length of free space of my model) where T is I/f. I should say that I also tried Ex= cos(2*pi*f*t + pi/2-k*z) and Ey= cos(2*pi*f*t-k*z) as the source definition.
I see that the electric field vectors are kind of circulating but the frequency does not look like right:
I placed two slices (plane probes) which are one wavelength far away from each other. But the electric filed does not circulate in phase on these slides which means the wavelength or frequency of the source is not right.
I did same simulation with linear polarization source either, but I have the wrong frequency problem still through checking the electric filed vectors one wavelength away from each other.
Now, I do not know what the problem is. Am I defining the circular polarization source wrong or is there any relationship between time steps and frequency and mesh?
To make sure about the frequency. I used this method of simulation for a resonating structure at its resonance frequency, but because the frequency is wrong, I did not see any expected result.
I appreciate if somebody which has this kind of experience could help me ?
I attached my file either in case.