Hi, I am trying to model turbulent flow in a pipe and annulus and find the pressure and velocity distributions. The flow is going to the pipe and is coming back from the annulus. The pipe has porous wall so that the flow in the pipe can permeate to the annulus and come back. I attach a doc file containing a figure showing the configuration.
to model it in Comsol, I added 3 different physics.
1- “Turbulent flow (k-ε)” for the flow through the pipe
2- “Darcy’s law” for flow through the porous wall.
3- “Turbulent flow (k-ε)” for the flow through the annulus
Actually, “outlet” boundary condition in each of these physics is “inlet” boundary condition for the other physics. For example, “outlet” of the pipe is “inlet of the porous media”, and vice versa. How can I define this condition in Comsol so that all these 3 physics become coupled? I tried to couple these physics together by using “dependent variable” of one physic as “boundary condition” for the other one. For example, ”, I used normal stress = p2 as “outlet” of the pipe. where p2 is dependent variable in “Darcy’s law” (pressure in porous media).
It seems in the “results” section they are not still coupled. If you go to the “results” section and take a look at line graphs named “ pipe (r direction)”, “ porous media (r direction)”, “ annulus (r direction)”, you can see that the velocity distribution in each domain are not consistent with each other . Do I need to do anything else to couple these 3 physics together?
I really appreciate if someone can help me with that
to model it in Comsol, I added 3 different physics.
1- “Turbulent flow (k-ε)” for the flow through the pipe
2- “Darcy’s law” for flow through the porous wall.
3- “Turbulent flow (k-ε)” for the flow through the annulus
Actually, “outlet” boundary condition in each of these physics is “inlet” boundary condition for the other physics. For example, “outlet” of the pipe is “inlet of the porous media”, and vice versa. How can I define this condition in Comsol so that all these 3 physics become coupled? I tried to couple these physics together by using “dependent variable” of one physic as “boundary condition” for the other one. For example, ”, I used normal stress = p2 as “outlet” of the pipe. where p2 is dependent variable in “Darcy’s law” (pressure in porous media).
It seems in the “results” section they are not still coupled. If you go to the “results” section and take a look at line graphs named “ pipe (r direction)”, “ porous media (r direction)”, “ annulus (r direction)”, you can see that the velocity distribution in each domain are not consistent with each other . Do I need to do anything else to couple these 3 physics together?
I really appreciate if someone can help me with that