Does anyone know how to turn off step size tuning in parametric continuation? For example I want it to change the parameter in steps of 0.2. I want COMSOL to change the parameter by 0.2, and then solve the model, and then change the parameter by 0.2 again, etc. I don't want the parameter to change by anything except 0.2 each time.
Instead, it changes the parameter by 0.2, and if it can't converge very very easily it changes the parameter back to take smaller steps of 0.05, etc. I want to turn this behavior off.
There's an option called "Tuning of step size". But if the box is unchecked, COMSOL doesn't care, it tunes the step size anyway.
Then I tried something else: I checked the box for "Tuning of step size", and typed in the parameters: "Initial step is 0.2, Minimum step size is 0.2, Maximum step size is 0.2". Did that work? Nope, COMSOL doesn't care, it still changes the step size to 0.05, etc.
The annoying thing is that COMSOL is so eager to change the step size that it does it prematurely! I'm using Newton's method and I set it to give up only after 25 iterations. But COMSOL doesn't care, it does only 5 or 6 iterations, and then just gives up and change the step size instead.
My model, it turns out, converges more reliably by using more iterations, than by using a small step size, but COMSOL does not seem to give me that choice!
Is there a trick or option I'm missing? Has anyone else had this issue??
Thanks in advance!
Instead, it changes the parameter by 0.2, and if it can't converge very very easily it changes the parameter back to take smaller steps of 0.05, etc. I want to turn this behavior off.
There's an option called "Tuning of step size". But if the box is unchecked, COMSOL doesn't care, it tunes the step size anyway.
Then I tried something else: I checked the box for "Tuning of step size", and typed in the parameters: "Initial step is 0.2, Minimum step size is 0.2, Maximum step size is 0.2". Did that work? Nope, COMSOL doesn't care, it still changes the step size to 0.05, etc.
The annoying thing is that COMSOL is so eager to change the step size that it does it prematurely! I'm using Newton's method and I set it to give up only after 25 iterations. But COMSOL doesn't care, it does only 5 or 6 iterations, and then just gives up and change the step size instead.
My model, it turns out, converges more reliably by using more iterations, than by using a small step size, but COMSOL does not seem to give me that choice!
Is there a trick or option I'm missing? Has anyone else had this issue??
Thanks in advance!