I am trying to characteise the effect of mesh quality and element size on the solution of a model. I have generated a standard and several refined meshes using an external software (Simpleware) and imported them to Comsol.
I am using q = meshqual(fem.mesh); to calculate the mesh quality.
Is there a similar command or calculate the average element size?
I have tried a subdomain plot of "h" the element size, exporting the plot data to Matlab and calculating the average. However I have noticed the number of elements in the output file is alot more than the real number of elements.
I am not sure how the export plot data works in this case? Is it exporting the element size at each vertex?
I am trying to characteise the effect of mesh quality and element size on the solution of a model. I have generated a standard and several refined meshes using an external software (Simpleware) and imported them to Comsol.
I am using q = meshqual(fem.mesh); to calculate the mesh quality.
Is there a similar command or calculate the average element size?
I have tried a subdomain plot of "h" the element size, exporting the plot data to Matlab and calculating the average. However I have noticed the number of elements in the output file is alot more than the real number of elements.
I am not sure how the export plot data works in this case? Is it exporting the element size at each vertex?