Following some technical literature on the topic of a conductivity of a material (specifically a polymer) that is based on electric field, I wish to model this in COMSOL. In case you are curious, the paper I am referring to is: "Effect of Insulation Properties on the Field Grading of Solid Dielectric DC Cable" by Boggs, et al (IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol 16, No 4, Oct 2001). I am referring to equation 1, 5,6. Basically, conductivity is based on electric field and temperature. For my model, I would like to keep the temperature constant right now. I would like to, however, make electrical conductivity anisotropic and as a function as electric field (in the X-direction and Y-direction). This "seems" easy to do, and I have already made a quick model showing this (which I have attached as well). The conductivities are defined in the Global Definitions -> Variables 1a. When I try to solve, I get an error: "Undefined value found.
- Detail: Undefined value found in the equation residual vector.
.There are 1217 degrees of freedom giving NaN/Inf in the vector for the variable mod1.V"
This error is from the fact that I have conductivity as an electric field. If I change the conductivity to being a constant, there is no problem.
Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
- Detail: Undefined value found in the equation residual vector.
.There are 1217 degrees of freedom giving NaN/Inf in the vector for the variable mod1.V"
This error is from the fact that I have conductivity as an electric field. If I change the conductivity to being a constant, there is no problem.
Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.