I am doing a parametric sweep in COMSOL with the geometry. The problem is, it is a large parameter space and a few combinations which would be unreasonable to check give an error. It is a stationary solver and what I need is something in COMSOL matlab code to tell me if there is inverted geometry or too many iterations such that I can skip that set of parametric values. I get the error:
For example, can I have COMSOL output the iterations as it solves such that if it hits a certain amount, I can quickly tell if I need to skip that set of parameters. This is inside a huge FOR loop as I need to sweep over a very large parametric space.
"??? Java exception occurred:
com.comsol.util.exceptions.FlException: Failed to
find a solution for the initial parameter
(rethrown as
(rethrown as
The following feature has encountered a problem
The following feature has encountered a problem
Failed to find a solution for the initial
Maximum number of Newton iterations reached
Returned solution is not converged
- Feature: Stationary Solver 1 (sol1/s1)
- Error: Failed to find a solution for the
initial parameter."
For example, can I have COMSOL output the iterations as it solves such that if it hits a certain amount, I can quickly tell if I need to skip that set of parameters. This is inside a huge FOR loop as I need to sweep over a very large parametric space.
"??? Java exception occurred:
com.comsol.util.exceptions.FlException: Failed to
find a solution for the initial parameter
(rethrown as
(rethrown as
The following feature has encountered a problem
The following feature has encountered a problem
Failed to find a solution for the initial
Maximum number of Newton iterations reached
Returned solution is not converged
- Feature: Stationary Solver 1 (sol1/s1)
- Error: Failed to find a solution for the
initial parameter."