I am using the piezoelectric devices interface (pzd). Some layers are linear elastic and other - piezoelectric. The surrounding block is air and I defined it with the electrical material model. I want to employ the electrostatic attraction across the thin gap between the two beams. Therefor I need an electrical material to perform force calculation and apply this force as boundary load on the cross section of the gap.
At the moment I am stuck on building the mesh, because the gap in the middle is interrupting the symmetry (at least I suppose this is the difficult point here). I tried to build a mesh on some surfaces and then make a Swept, but I had little success.
What is a good strategy to build a little bit more complicated mesh like this here?
At the moment I am stuck on building the mesh, because the gap in the middle is interrupting the symmetry (at least I suppose this is the difficult point here). I tried to build a mesh on some surfaces and then make a Swept, but I had little success.
What is a good strategy to build a little bit more complicated mesh like this here?